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Ricky Bowen is America's favorite pop sensation. Ricky is known for three main things. One being his amazing singing and songwriting skills. Two being how attractive he is. All the boys want to be him and all the girls want to date him. And three being his weird dating life.

Ricky is often called a serial dater. In his 5 years of being in the spotlight Ricky has not had one serious girlfriend. Most people assume that Ricky just wasn't a serious relationship person, and was more of a hookup person. These flings and hookups were rumored but nothing that had ever been confirmed.

Ricky does actually reason for his weird dating habits. And that was the fact that he had had one girlfriend for the past 9 years. Nini was the perfect girlfriend. The only thing was Nini didn't want to be known by the public, she didn't want thousands or even millions of people making comments about her relationship. And Ricky respected her decision and agreed to not let the public know that he had a girlfriend. Even though it wasn't in public she was still by his side through everything that had happened in his career and in his personal life. Even through the rumors of him being a player she trusted him and supported him in his career.

Those reasons plus many more were what made Ricky come to the conclusion that he wanted to propose to her. Ricky and Nini had talked about the future many times throughout the past 9 years, so he knew exactly what kind of proposal she would like.

Nini always said she wanted to get engagement outside surrounded by nature. His original idea was to do it at the top of a hike they used to go on all the time when they still lived in Salt Lake, but he knew there were a lot of paparazzi watching his hometown and they always knew when he was there so that wouldn't work. But he ended up finding this tulip garden in Holland that he thought would be the perfect spot.

The proposal was perfect. It was the second day of their trip when Ricky led Nini to the tulip field. He led her to the center of the field to a small canopy that was decorated with flowers and fairy lights. They stood under the canopy and Ricky turned and grabbed her hands so they were facing each other. "Nini, I've been in love with you for a long time, longer than you probably thought I did, and a lot's happened in the almost 20 years that we've known each other, but if I could go back I wouldn't change anything because it led to us being here now. You are the only person who has stood by my side through everything. Through my ups and my downs. Through the lows and the highs. And I couldn't imagine going through life with anyone else. You mean everything to me and if I was given the choice between you and anything else in this world I would choose you 10 times over, and if you let me I will continue to choose you for the rest of my life because there is no one I'd rather spend the rest of my life with. So Nina Mahalia Salazar-Roberts will you marry me" Ricky said getting down on one knee, tears freely falling from his eyes. Ricky looked up to look at Nini and saw her hand covering her mouth and tears flowing from her eyes as well.

She was silent for a few seconds before answering, "Yes." A large smile formed on both of their faces as Ricky gently slid the ring onto her finger placing it next to the promise ring he had gotten her when they graduated high school. Afterwards she pulled him into a long kiss before breaking apart and looking into his eyes.

"I love you so much" she said and he pulled her into a tight hug, picking her up and spinning her around screaming "We're engaged."

It was the calm before the storm. Neither of them know what was coming, and what was going to turn their lives upside down.

 Neither of them know what was coming, and what was going to turn their lives upside down

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