Sober Thoughts

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Part 2 to drunk words

When Nini woke up she was confused and her head felt like it was throbbing. It hurt to even open her eyes.

Of course she immediately recognized where she was, she was in Ricky's bedroom, but she couldn't even begin to think why she would have woken up in her ex-boyfriend's bed. She quickly checked under the covers to make sure she still had clothes on, which she did. That took one possible mistake off the table.

Before Nini could think about any other possible scenarios that could have happened, Ricky walked through the door with a glass of water and a container of Advil.

"Nini you're up," He said, placing what he was holding on the table next to his bed. "I thought you'd be sleeping for a little longer after last night." "Last night?" she questioned, still not sure what happened or why she was at his house let alone in his bed.

"Nini you almost drank a whole bottle of vodka last night, I'm surprised you're still alive right now," he said laughing slightly at the thought of how she was acting last night.

"That doesn't explain how I ended up here."

"You texted me saying you were drinking so I decided to come pick you up so you didn't do anything that you might regret, other than drinking all that vodka, I was planning on picking you up and taking you back to your house, but then you started talking about how you didn't want your moms to see you drunk so I thought the safest place for you would be here. You practically fell asleep on the drive here, and I thought you'd be more comfortable on a bed then on the couch." He explained.

They both sat there in silence for a second, Nini trying to process what Ricky had told her, and Ricky waiting for her to say something.

He finally broke the silence by saying, "I was about to go make pancakes if you want some."

"I'd love some. I'll be down in like 10 minutes," she said. "Okay just remember to take the Advil. It should help with the headache," he responded before turning and walking out of his bedroom to go make them food.

Nini came down to the kitchen 10 minutes later and immediately got hit with the smell of pancakes.

Ricky placed a small stack of pancakes at the table for Nini before returning to the kitchen to make his own food.

Before Nini started to eat she decided to check her phone.

The first thing she saw when she opened her phone was the worst thing Nini possibly could have thought to see, her texts with Ricky.

"I wsnt tooo kiss uuuu" one of them read, "it mase the pain go away, the pain of seeeeing uuuu and hef togejher" another one the said, or the worst one that read, "I lqve uuuu" obviously meaning to write, I love you.

"Oh my god" she said, "oh my god, oh my god, oh my god."

"What's wrong," Ricky asked, walking over and seeing her staring at the last message on her phone.

"Did you mean it," Ricky asked quietly.

"I can't say"

"Please just tell me"

"I can't"

"I need to know"

"I can't go through that heart break again"

"If you feel it say it"

"I won't"

"I love you," Ricky said, raising his voice slightly. "I should have told you in your room, because god knows I felt it, but I was stupid and I didn't. But I do, I love you.

And the last few months without you has been so hard, but it was so much worse knowing I was the one who caused us to be apart, but I love you so much. I was so scared in your room, scared of love and what it can do to people, after seeing what happened with my parents. But I'm not scared anymore because I've seen what life without you would look like and that's 10x scarier then what I was feeling before.

Please Nini, say that those texts were true, say that I didn't ruin us by confessing too late, say that there's still a chance for us." he said, holding both of her hands in his while she looked at the ground.

Nini stared at the ground for a few more seconds, but to Ricky those seconds felt like years, like this was her nonverbal way of saying she didn't feel the same way, that he had blown their one chance.

Nini looked up at his face after a few seconds. When she did he noticed a few tears had formed in her eyes and were starting to flow down her face.

"There was never a point where there wasn't a chance for us Ricky. I love you, I've always loved you."

He quickly picked her up and spun her around planting quick kisses all over her face adding an "I love you" after each one.

Once he set her down he kissed her ,he really kissed her. He wanted to make up for all the missed kisses from their months apart. Only breaking apart for air. When they actually broke apart they were breathing heavily.

"You should finish your food" he said after their breathing had slowed. "Okay fine" she said and started to walk back to the table where her untouched pancakes sat, but she turned back to him and said, "One more" before gently pecking him on the lips and returning to her food.

Maybe drunk words really are sober thoughts.


Sorry I was gone for so long. I had state testing which are very important for my school, and we get estimated ACT scores from them so I needed to make sure I did well on them.

977 words

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