The Hoodie

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(Before Nini and Ricky were dating 1st time)
It was raining and raining hard. No one expected it to rain, so when it started rain while Nini and Ricky where on their daily walk in the park it came as a big shock to them. Ricky and Nini started walking back to Nini's house the second they felt sprinkles, but by that time it was already too late. The rain got really heavy. It was down pouring and the were still about 3 blocks away. Nini was so cold her teeth were chattering. Instinctively Ricky took of this hoodie and gave it to Nini. "Here you need this more than me" she gave him a thankful look before putting the hoodie on. It was way to big for her, but she didn't care. It felt (and smelled) like she was getting a constant hug from Ricky. Which was her dream. When they finally got back to Nini's house they both changed their clothes. Ricky left a spare change of clothes at Nini's just in case they decide to do and impromptu sleepover. Ricky ended up spending the night that night. The night was spent laughing, gaming and watching movies.

(2 weeks later)

Nini would still wear Ricky's hoodie. Only when I was cold or when she needed the feeling of being comforted. One cold day she ended up wearing it to school. The hoodie was fairly recognizable as Ricky's considering it had his skateboarding team logo on it, so when she walked into school everyone was talking about the fact that Nini was wearing a piece Ricky's clothing. Even Kourtney noticed. "Is that my hoodie" Ricky asked her when her saw her at lunch. "Yeah sorry, I hope you don't mind. It's just really cold today and I need something warm to wear." She said apologetically. "Its fine you should keep it" he said blushing slightly. "Ten bucks their dating" Kourtney whispered to big red. He just smiled.

Sorry this is another short story. I had read through today so I had less time to write. I've had the idea for this chapter for a while but never actually got around to writing it until now.

368 words

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