Shocking Resemblance (Rini week #3 6)

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Ricky and Nini were East High's power couple, getting together at the beginning of their freshman year and still being together at the beginning of their senior year. And, like most hormonal teenagers, their relationship wasn't always completely PG.

Their first time was weird and awkward but that wasn't important. What was important was they were together. And as time went on everything got a lot less awkward, and a lot more enjoyable.

One day Ricky showed up at Nini's front door, tears running down his eyes. "My mom's moving me to Chicago" he said crying a little more. Nini quickly pulled him into a hug, not really knowing what to say.

"When do you leave" she asked him, a minute later. "In 3 days" he said and she hugged him tighter, not ever wanting to let go.

After a few more minutes of hugging Ricky whispered "I don't want to break up, but I don't think long distance will work for us" "Yeah" she breathed out into his chest, "Just hold me for a little longer." "Always" he said, running one of his hand up and down her back, and tangling the other one in her hair.

"Goodbye" she said as he left. And for some reason that goodbye felt very final. And it was. 3 days later Ricky moved to Chicago without another goodbye.

Almost 4 Years Later

Ricky was back in Salt Lake City after graduation college a year early, and it was the best feeling ever. To be in his home city for the first time in 4 years. The city that holds all of the memories of him and the girl he loves.

Yep, even after being away from her for 4 years he still can't stop thinking about his high school sweetheart. But he didn't know anything about her life. She blocked him soon after he moved, and everyone refused to tell him anything about her. He didn't even know if she still lived in Salt Lake.

But the question was answered when he was sitting in the park with his guitar writing another song about the girl from his past, when he saw her. But not just her, she was holding hands with a little girl's hand. The girl couldn't have been more than 3 years old.

"Ni- Nini" he said, walking up to her. Nini immediately moved the child to stand behind her. "Ricky what are you doing here. I thought you were in Chicago" she said.

"Dad asked me to come visit," he said, still confused by the child's presents.

"Mommy whos dis pwerson" the little girl standing behind Nini asked. "m- m- m- mom" Ricky stuttered.

Nini sighed and nodded before moving the girl from standing behind her, to clutching her close to her front. "Y- y- y- it- sh- she has my hair" he said, his eyes going wide in complete shock at their resemblance, "and my nose and my eyes. She looks just like me when I was her age."

"Layla this is Ricky. Ricky this is Layla. Your daughter" Nini said, and Ricky was left completely speechless. "I think we should talk," she said. "Yeah I think we do. Do you want to meet up for lunch, I think I need some food after all of this." he responded.

"Let me call my moms and ask them to pick up Layla" she said walking away to call them in private, bringing Layla with her.

"Why didn't you tell me" Ricky asked after they ordered. "What would be different Ricky." "Everything would've been different. I would have come back the second you told me you were pregnant. I could have been there for you and for Layla. We could have been a happy family." he said.

"Ricky, when I found out I was pregnant, it was 2 weeks after you moved, without even saying goodbye. I was hurt. And then I found out I was carrying out child and the last thing my broken heart wanted to do was to call you and tell you. Looking back on it I probably should have but we were both barely 18 and we had just broken up, we would have been anything but a happy family" she said, looking down at the table.

"None of that would have mattered, Nini I would have been there for you two no matter what because I loved you. I still do love you" he said, but his eyes went wide when he realized he actually said the last part of his sentence out loud.

"You still love me" Nini questioned. "I shouldn't have said that. It's been almost 4 years and this will just confuse you more" he said refusing to make eye contact with her. "You didn't answer my question," she said, picking up his chin and forcing him to look at her. "Do you still love me."

"Yes," he said quietly.

"I still love you too," she said.

"Mommy is wicky my daddy" Layla asked as Nini was tucking her into bed. "Go to sleep baby we'll talk in the morning" she said petting her curls. "Okay, goodnight mommy. I wove you."

Ricky and Nini decided to restart their relationship. They went on a few dates before ricky asked Nini to be his girlfriend again, and she obviously said yes. Ricky and Layla started spending more time together and after a few months she started calling him dad. A year after they got back together Nini found out she was pregnant again, and Ricky was by her side the whole time. She gave birth to a beautiful little baby boy named Aiden Richard Bowen. When Layla was 8 Ricky thought it was finally time to propose to Nini, so he took Layla with him to go ring shopping. When Ricky did pop the question, Nini said yes, and 14 months later they were Mr. and Mrs. Bowen, and Layla officially changed her last name to Bowen and became Layla Maree Bowen.


I don't love how this turned out but I also don't know how to make it any better. I would really plan ahead for these more, so i have more than a day to write each one shot.

1040 words

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