The Bedtime Story (Rini Week 1)

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"Mommy can you tell a bedtime story" Stella asked as Nini was tucking her into bed. Nini chuckles at her daughter who looks just like ricky. "What story do you want to hear sweetheart" "Tell me about you and daddy." Nini laughed again looking down at her. "We might be here all night, it's a pretty long story" "I'm listening" she looked up at her mom with the cutest face ever. "I can't say no to that face can I"

"It all started on the first day of kindergarten. I was sitting on the swings by myself during recess because I didn't have any friends yet. And your dad noticed I was sitting alone and he came over and introduced himself as Richard Bowen. I laughed a little at his name. I mean why would a 5 year old be named Richard. Then I introduced myself to him as Nina and he kept trying to say my name but every time he did it always came out as Nini. He got really embarrassed that he couldn't say my name, so I told everyone in the class, even our teacher, to start calling me Nini. After that day me and your father were best friends. Your grandma C still has a photo of us walking out of the classroom that day holding hands. She says that's the moment she knew we were going to fall in love.

One day in 1st grade we were having a playdate at my house and I was playing with my barbies and you dad wanted to play too, but i didn't let him. So he grabbed one of my barbies and put it in the microwave. His mom came into the kitchen and yelled at him for ruining my doll, so after that he came over and apologized, and even back then it was hard for me to stay mad at him. But the next day he showed up at my door with a replacement barbie.

Now second grade was an interesting year. It was when we had our first kiss. Your father and I had made a few other friends at the time, Auntie Kourtney and Uncle Red, and we were all sitting in Red's basement when we decided to play truth or dare and your father was dared to kiss me, so he did. I can remember thinking the kiss was gross.

In 3rd grade your dad had just gotten a new skateboard and he was trying to show me a new trick he learned while I was setting up my lemonade stand. He ended up crashing into my lemonade stand and making a mess of my front yard.

When we were in 4th grade we were doing a science fair. I did a project on moldy bread and your father decided that it was a good idea to eat my project."

"Wow he can be stupid sometimes"

"He can, but we still love him.

When I was in 5th grade you father got me a ukulele for christmas, I still have it actually, and the first song I wrote on it was this silly little song about clouds, but he loved it and said it was his favorite song he had ever heard. He even learned the chords to it so he could play it on his guitar.

Now 6th grade was when I started to realize I didn't just like your dad as a friend. He had just gotten a girlfriend, and I got a little jealous. She broke up with him a few days afterward though. I was so relieved when they broke up it felt like I had lost him for a little while, but I didn't.

For my birthday in 7th grade you dad took me to six flags. It was fun but I didn't really ride many of the roller coasters because I can get a little seasick sometimes. But somehow your father talked me into riding the tallest roller coaster at the park. And I had a lot of fun but your dad couldn't keep his lunch down, and he threw up on my shoes"

"WHAT" sella asked her eyes wide in surprise. Nini just laughed and continued with her story.

"The school we went to through a giant dance of the outgoing 8th graders, and your dad asked me to be his date. He said we were going as friends but I think both of us wished we had gone as more. We still had fun though. For me that was the moment I was 100% sure I liked your father.

Freshman year was a very eventful year. My feeling for your dad only grew. And your father asked me out on our first date, and I obviously said yes. We went to a dive in move and sat in the trunk of Grandma D's car and watched tangled. I ended up falling asleep in his arms, it is still one of the best dates I have ever been on. And a few weeks later when we were walking through the park your father asked me to be his girlfriend.

Sophmore year was probably the best and worst year of my life. I had my dream boy, and we spent our first christmas together as a couple and he got me this songwriting notebook I had been wanting. I loved him, but I never told him that. As our one year started coming up I thought it would be a good time to tell him, so I wrote him a song and posted it on instagram. And something happened and we ended up breaking up.

I started off Junior year dating a boy named EJ. He was really nice but ended up being sort of untrustworthy. That year our school put on a production of High School Musical: The Musical, and I was playing Gabrella and your dad was playing Troy. On opening night your father and I made up and he told me that he loved me. Also on opening night I got an offer to go to this performing arts school, and I ended up accepting it. I went there for a total of a month and a half before I got really homesick and moved back to my old high school with my old friends.

We spent that summer at EJ's family beach house. And It was an amazing way to kick off my senior year.

Senior year was really stressful for me with all my classes and trying to apply for colleges, but your dad really helped me. He was always there for me to help calm me down. Graduation went well and we all got our diplomas and through our caps, but after graduation me and your dad went back to my house and we went out to my backyard and it was decorated with fairy lights. Your dad walked me to the center and said this speech that neither of us remember very well because we were crying so much, but after your father got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. I said yes and then my moms and his dad came out of the house hugging us and congratulating us. We then had to go to graduation parties and pretend nothing happened because we didn't want to announce it quite yet.

For college me and your dad moved to New York and got a really small apartment in the heart of the city. I was really busy all the time because I had a ton of school work and I was wedding planning.

We had our wedding during our sophomore year of college in salt lake and invited friends and family. It was a really magical day. Everything went smoothly, we even had our first dance to Can I Have This Dance for High School Musical 3. We then went on our honeymoon in Hawaii.

Nothing really happened during our junior year of college. We were just learning about our lives as a married couple.

Senior year was fun. We had plans to move back to Salt Lake after we graduated. Which is exactly what we did.

We bought our first house together once we moved back and we were finally able to settle down and start a family.

By that time the next year I was pregnant, and soon after I gave birth to you. And I couldn't be happier.

Goodnight princess I'll see you in the morning" she said planting a kiss on her daughter's forehead.

When she turned around to leave Stalla's room she noticed her husband standing in the doorway. "How long have you been standing there" she asked, planting a kiss on his cheek.

"Long enough to know that you just told our daughter our entire love story." he chuckled.

"Well she'll need to know what it's like for when she starts dating" "What do you mean, she's not allowed to date."

"Well she starts kindergarten in a few days. You never know she just might meet her future husband" she said nudging him in the side.


Rini week day one is completed. This took so long to plan. If you noticed some of my past one shots made a feature, only one or two, but I still like how it turned out. The ending is kinda rushed but I still really like. Hopefully your excited for the rest of rini week.

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