The Accident

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This takes place sometime while Nini and Ricky are still Broken up.

'First Nini, then my mom, and now my dad too.' Ricky thought to himself as he rides through the neighborhood 'Maybe I'm the problem, maybe it's my fault' he didn't even notice that he started skating in the road instead of on the side walk. He was so stuck in his thoughts he didn't notice the bright lights and honks coming in his direction. And before he knew it *BANG* he hit the ground and his vision went black.
"OMG" a young lady yells as she runs out of her car and to he boy. She immediately checked he pulse. He seemed to be unconscious. She quickly took out he phone and called 911 "Hello 911 what is your emergency" the operator said calmly. "Hi yes I just accidentally hit a boy with my car, and he seems to be unconscious." "Okay what is your name and what is your current location" "My name is Katherine Scott and I'm at the corner on Main and 3rd street." "Okay help is on it's way" Katherine hangs up the phone. She quickly grabbed Ricky's phone and look thought his contacts. She found on that looked like it could be his girlfriend, her name was Nini🥰😍❤️. She quickly called the person. "Ricky, why are you calling me?" The girl answered sounding slightly annoyed. "Hi my name is Katherine, and your friend Ricky, was it, he was skateboarding down the middle of the road. I tried to stop and honk my horn but it was too late" she said crying feeling so guilty for what she did. "Where are you?" Nini said sounding concerned. "I'm at the corner of main and 3rd" she answered. "I'll be there soon" Nini said hanging up the phone. Nini didn't care that she was currently in her pajamas, she just quickly threw on a pare of shoes and ran out the door. She ran as fast as her legs could take her. By the time she got there she was crying her mind immediately going to the worst case scenario. When she saw him she started to cry even harder. The boy she loved saw laying on the concrete unconscious. It had been hard for her to admit it to herself that she was still in love with Ricky Bowen, but in that moment she knew she did. She kneeled down beside him. Pushing is curls of his for head. She could see a large bruise forming on his forehead. She wanted to look away but she couldn't, she had to stay here with him. "How did you know to call me?" Nini asked the girl. "I was looking thought his contracts and yours popped out at me it looked like, you could be his girlfriend" Nini didn't respond. She couldn't bring herself to admit that they weren't together anymore. So she just kept staring at him. A moment later she heard faint siren sounds heading in there direction. Nini took his hand in her's and interlocked them. "They're on their way to come help you" Nini said quietly to Ricky still crying. When the paramedics showed up Nini was forced to let go of Ricky's hand. "Do you think she wants to ride with us?" One of the paramedics asked Katherine. "I think so. She hasn't left his side since she got here." Katherine replied "Hey honey do you want to ride with us?" The paramedic asked Nini calmly. She just nodded her head not wanting to talk to anyone.
While in the ambulance Nini tried to call Ricky's dad, but he wasn't picking up, and his mom got a new phone when she officially moved to Chicago so she didn't have her number. She tried to call Ricky's dad again but still no answer. She just sat there tears rolling down her face as she waits till the get to the hospital.
Once they get there Nini is immediately told to go to the waiting room while they examine Ricky to see how bad his injuries are. While waiting she decides to call one of her moms. "Hi honey. Oh what's wrong" Carol asked as she heard Nini sniffle into her phone "It-it's...R-Ricky" Nini replies. "What happened" Carol asked sympathetically. "He-he got hit by a car. I-I'm at the hospital right now. They just took him to do examinations" Nini cried into the phone "And to make things worse I can't get a hold of Mike and I don't even have Lynn's new number" "I'm on my way honey" Carol said, while Nini was trying to calm herself down "bye see you soon" Nini said before she hung up the phone.
About 10 miners latter Carol walked in and immediately engulfed her in a hug. "It's okay Ni I'm here" Nini was hysterically crying. "What if I never see him again. What if he's gone mom what am I gonna do. I can't imagine my life without him in it. I don't even know if I could live without him" "Nini honey I know this is hard on you but you can get though this Nini, do you hear me?" "But mom I love him. I've loved him since he came over to hang out with me when I was alone to recess. I still love him, even after all the pain and drama that we've been though I still love him" "Nini I know this is hard but let's just wait and see what the test say then we can worry about the future okay" Nini nodded and put her head on her mom's shoulder as here tears start to slow down.
After about 20 minutes the doctor came out and Nini immediately shot out of her seat. "How's Ricky" she asked the docter. "He's not looking to hot. He has some internal bleeding, a concussion, a shattered collarbone and a sprained ankle. He is currently in a medical induced coma. He is currently being moved to a room in the ICU. If you'd like to visit him I can take you there" Nini just nodded. Her and her mom followed him up to the ICU an into a room. It was a completely white room, with a single bed and a couch. On the bed was a lifeless looking Ricky Bowen. It was the hardest thing for Nini to look at. He had a breathing tube in his nose and he was connected to a heart monitor. He also had and IV running into his arm. "Can I be alone with him for a moment?" Nini asked. No one said a thing but left her and Ricky alone. "Hi Ricky" she said walking closer to him "I know we haven't talked much recently, and that is mostly my fault, but I just need to you to do something " Nini said grabbing his hand. "Please come back to me Ricky. I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have you in my life. So please Ricky come back" Nini said crying. Her mom walked back in "hey honey the doctor said to ask you if you wanted to stay here overnight you can say on the couch if you decide to" "Can I" she asked her mom. She nodded symbolizing she was allowed to. "Mom, do I have to got to school tomorrow?" Nini asked. "I'll call them and tell them you won't be able to make it due to some family issues..." she said with a teary smile. "Nini honey I now you want to stay here tonight, and that's okay, but I'm gonna go home and talk to mama D. We are also going to try to contact Mike okay" Nini nodded sleepily "Bye sweetheart, see you tomorrow" Nini was pretty much half asleep, but she still made a sound in agreement.
Nini ended up spending pretty much every second of every day at the hospital with Ricky. The only time she left the hospital was to shower and pick up homework from school. Other that she always at Ricky's bedside. Ricky's friends come once every day. They're all really worried about Nini. She barely talks to anyone besides her moms and Ricky's doctors., and no one has been able to get in touch with Ricky's dad. One day at about 3:00am Nini was woken up by a strait loud sound. She knew what it was immediately. The doctors had warned her about this. It was Ricky heart monitor. The sound meant his heart had stopped. Nini immediately started to cry. When the doctors told her about the heart monitor, the told her about the "code blue" button, if it was pushed it would alert all the nurses. She got up and ran to the button as fast as possible. After she pushed it she heard an even louder sound. "Code blue, code blue in room 821. Nini was sitting on her little couch in his room sobbing as 20 different nurses and doctors take Ricky's bed and move it to a different room. One of the doctors came over and talked to her. "I'm going to be honest with you, Ricky's heart had stopped completely for about a minute and a half. Which means that he was dead for that long. The good news is we got his heart started again, thanks to you, but we don't know how long he is going to make it. We are going to give him one more week, but if he doesn't wake up we are going to take him off life support." Nini understood what was going on but was still very upset about it. "We are going to bring him back in and I'm not saying you have to say goodbye but just think about it." After about 1 hour they brought Ricky at this point she had pretty much come to terms with what was going on. For the next 4 hours Nini sat next Ricky doing her homework. They used to always do their homework together, so doing her homework next to him was the closed she could get to doing it with him. After she finished her homework she decided she wanted to talk to Ricky especially since it might be one of her last times. She grabbed his hand and held it tight. "I'm going to say to you what I said to you the first day you were here. You have to come back to me Ricky, you have to, I need you . I need you, Ricky. And I guess since this might be one of the last times I talk to you I guess I should tell you something else. I love you Ricky. I never stopped, and I don't think I ever will" Nini Sid as she was was crying. She sat there for a while just thinking "I'm gonna go now, I know you still have a few more days and I'll be back here soon but I need a little break. Nini grabbed her bag and walked out the door. Just as she reached the door she heard a faint "Nini..." Nini literally dropped her bag and ran to Ricky's bed "Ricky?!" She said excitedly. He blinked. "I knew you'd come back to me" she said hugging him. She started crying again, this time tears of joy. "I'm gonna go get your doctor then I'll be right back" she kissed his cheek "bye." Nini ran down the hall with the biggest smile on her face. "Dr. Nemmer, Dr. Nemmer RICKY WOKE UP!!!!" Nini practically screamed at Ricky's doctor. She practically dragged him to Ricky's room. "Your looking great Ricky. We just need to keep you here for a few more days for observation." Ricky nodded. The second the doctor left the room Nini engulfed Ricky in another hug. "Did you really mean what you said?" He asked holding her in his arms. "I didn't not meant it" she said. She pulled away slightly to look into each other's eyes. They were both leaning in when suddenly all there friends came busting into the room with presents. "We heard you woke up so we decided to bring some of you favorite stuff" Big Red said. They spent the rest of the day talking in his room.
"Okay you are all good to go home but if anything gets worse make sure to come in and see us" Dr. Nemmer said "okay I will" "Hey Ricky can I talk to you for a second?" Nini asked Ricky looking very serious. "Yeah sure what's up?" "Why were you skateboarding in the middle of the road at 11:00pm and a Monday?" "It's a long story." He replied "Ricky you can trust me" "when I got home from school that day I found a note on the kitchen counter from my dad. He said that he couldn't handle being around me anymore because I reminded him too much of my mom" Ricky said tearing up "He said that I could stay it the house hand he would send me money every week for food and stuff. So to clear my head I decided to go skating. I was thinking abut you...and my mom...and my dad, and how my life is falling apart. Somehow I ended up skating in the middle of the road and then everything went black. Then the next thing I know I fell pressure on my hand and I here a girls voice" "I'm sorry you have to go though that Ricky but your not alone okay you have Big Red, and EJ,and Kourtney, and me, okay and I will always be here for you no matter what" Nini said smiling at the end. "Thank you I needed that" Ricky replied. "One more question can I stay over at your house for the next few days, I just don't want you to be alone" Nini asked hopefully "You are alway welcome at my house but just to let you know, I'm probably just going to be doing the schoolwork that I missed" "That's okay I can help catch you up" Nini smiled pecking his lips. "I'll be at your house in half an hour, I got to grab my stuff from my house then I'll meet you there" "Okay, bye love you" Ricky said. Nini smiles and replied "love you too, see you soon."
Staying at Ricky's house one night turned into two nights which turned into two weeks. Nini seemed to spend more time there then at her actual house. I guess you could say it became more then just her home away from home.

OMG, really another cheesy ending why brain, why did you make me do it. Also this turned out to be like double the length I thought it would be so congratulations if you got trough the whole thing. I also know that this is definitely not medically accurate, but I still really like how this story turned out

2513 words

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