Single Parent Club (Rini week #2 3)

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The single parent club is a club for single parents, as the name might suggest. Two of the club's newest members are named Ricky and Nini, and their boy's Noah and Liam respectively.

Today's meeting is at a park. All the parents are in the shade and the kids are playing on the playground. Most of the kids were being very nice with one another, all but one. Noah was going around throwing the mulch at all the kids.

"That kid's parent need to step up and teach their kid manners," Nini said to one of her mom friends. Ricky was sitting near them and he heard what she said. Her comment made him tear up slightly.

"I think he heard you" Maria, one of Nini's friends, said. Nini looked over to the man sitting a little bit away from her. She could see his solemn look. She excused herself from her friends and went over to him.

"Hey are you okay" she asked, sitting next to him.

"I heard what you said" he breathed out. "I'm trying my best. Noah's technically my nephew, my sister and my brother-in-law died in a car crash a few months ago and when they passed I got custody of their son. I love him, but it's hard because he's so similar to them, and everytime I look at him I'm reminded of who they were and who they could have become. And I don't know why I'm dumping this all on you, I barely know you" 

"I'm sorry for what I said. That was rude and I shouldn't have said that. And I think you're doing a really good job under your circumstances. My husband left me a month after Liam was born. And got engaged 3 weeks after our divorce was finalized" she said.

"I guess we both have a sad past" he said, turning to look her in the eyes. "Yeah" she said looking at him too.

Nini and Ricky become a lot closer ever since that day. And so did their kids. Liam and Noah became best friends and had quite a lot of play dates.

Ricky's lease had recently ended and he was looking for a new place to move. He had looked all over Salt Lake but he can't find anywhere in his price range.

"Why don't you and Noah just move into my house" Nini suggested. "I have an extra room that's not being used, so you can move into that and Noah can move into Liam's room with him. And then when you find a place you can move out"

Ricky didn't know what to say. How could someone he met less than a year ago be so generous to open up her home to him.

"That would be amazing, thank you" he said. And that's what happened. Him and Noah moved in the next week.

Life was a lot easier after Ricky and Noah moved in with Nini and Liam. Whenever Ricky needed to be somewhere Nini would watch the kids and vise versa.

One day Noah and Liam were at a sleepover at a friends house, so Nini and Ricky were at the house by themselves.

They decided it would be a good idea to play a drinking game to the movie they were watching and by the end they were trashed.

When the movie was done Nini was about to go to her room to try to get some sleep, but she was stopped when she felt a pair of lips on hers.

Nini can't remember the rest of what happened that night. All she knows is when she woke up Ricky was laying next to her, and she didn't have clothes on.

"Can we talk about last night" Ricky asked after they both had woken up and put clothes on. "There's nothing to talk about we were drunk, now can we just get back to being friends" Nini said. "What if I don't want to be friends," Ricky asked, and a wave of hurt went over her.

"Let me rephrase that. What if I don't want to be just friends, what if I want to be more" Ricky asked and Nini just stared at him blankly. Then before she knew it she was walking toward and kissing him. They had kissed before, obviously, but they weren't like this one, this one symbolized the start of a new chapter of their lives. The start of their lives together.

Ricky ended up moving into Nini's room and he let Noah have his old room. Their lives were pretty great after that. It was Ricky and Nini and their two beautiful boys.

Exactly 3 years after that fateful night, the boys were at yet another sleepover at a friends house, Ricky did something he had been wanting to do for a while. He proposed to Nini, and thankful she said yes.

The next thing Nini knows she is walking down the aisle in a gorgeous white dress and about to marry her soulmate with all her favorite people watching it.


Sorry this was kind of rushed, I didn't have much time to write today :(

863 words

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