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Takes place during episode 4


After the whole fiasco at rehearsal, EJ knew he had to get Nini back. What else was he supposed to do. Let the girl he loves go just because he made one mistake.

Nini was confused at first to see Ricky at his house considering what happened last time he was there. "So what's going on with you" Nini said, leading him over to the couch after he came down the stairs.

"Um, I guess it's time I tell you. My parents have been fighting a lot the past year and they said they were working on their relationship, but mom mom was always in Chicago and you can't work on a relationship if you're in two different states. And then when my mom finally comes back they tell me they're getting a divorce. And that's why I was late to rehearsal. I'm really sorry about that by the way. I was being very unprofessional"

Nini rested her hand on his knee in support before talking, "I'm not mad at you. I think you're actually a really strong person for being able to deal with this for so long, but I also really wish you would have told me because I would have been able to help you." "How would you have been to help me" He laughed.

"I could've stopped all the bad thoughts going on in your head. You didn't end up on your ex's couch at midnight wearing her mom's clothes" they both laughed at their situation.

"Well I should probably get to sleep soon," He said standing up. "Yeah me too" she joined him standing and pulled him into a hug. They held onto each other like it was the only thing keeping both of them alive. They wished they could have stayed in that moment forever, but all good things came to an end, and they ended up pulling apart, still holding each other.

They were looking into each other's eye conveying all the words they couldn't say out loud. Ricky quickly glanced down looking at Nini's lips before returning his eyes to her's. She did the same.

They both started to lean it wanting the other's lips on theirs. But before anything could happen they could hear a loud knock at the door.

When Nini opened the door she immediately recognized who was standing there. It was EJ.

"What are you going here EJ" Nini asked, very obviously annoyed. "I came to apologize. Look Nini I know what I did was wrong and-" "Nini who's at the door" EJ was interrupted by Ricky who walked over and stood next to Nini placing a comforting hand on her waist.

"Oh so your fucking him again. I see how it is. We broke up a few hours ago and you're already riding his dick"  "No EJ it's not what it looks like" "Not what it looks like. It looks like you and Bowen over here just hooked up. And that's why he's wearing these weird clothes, and standing so close to you, and putting his arm around  you."

"Look dude me and Nini didn't sleep together, we're just friends. But why do you care. You broke Nini's trust, and she broke up with you. Move on she's done with you" Ricky said, moving to stand in front of Nini.

"I came here to talk to Nini and that's what I'm gonna do" EJ pushed Ricky to the side and grabbed Nini's wrist pulling her outside and closing the door behind him.

"Nini, I understand that you're mad at me, but tell me the truth, do you still love him" he spoke softer this time. This is when he noticed the tears on her face. Some were old and had dried slightly, but some were new and started falling as he was looking at her.

She only gave him a small nod, not wanting to say it out loud.

"So that's why you couldn't tell me you loved me. Because you were still in love with the dick that never told you that he loved you. And you just used me, to what, heal your broken heart. While guessing what Ricky doesn't love you, he never did, and he never will. He just can't accept the fact that you're happier with me then you were with him. He's just a jerk who never cared about you. But I care about you. I love you and you need me. No one but me will ever love you. So please forgive me so we can go back to being east high's power couple"

"EJ, do not say those things about him. He's going through a lot right now so just leave him alone. And no I didn't 'use' you. I really did care about you, but you went behind my back, stole my phone, and completely broke my trust, and I'm sorry but I can't forgive you like that. Now please leave before I get someone that will make you leave"

EJ scoffs and walks away. As he was walking away he stopped and turned around to look at her. "Have fun with your new fuck buddy, who will never love you like I did" he said before turning back around and walked to his car.

Ricky was watching from the window waiting for EJ to leave. He couldn't hear what was going  on but he knew that it somehow involved. When he saw EJ had finally left he quickly ran outside and engulfed her in a hug letting her cry into his chest.

"He- he- he" she stuttered still crying "Shhhh just breathe" he said rubbing small circles on her back.

When Nini's tears slowed, Ricky took her back inside, sitting her on the couch, and turning and tangled, her favorite movie. He then joined her on the couch pulling her back into him, and let her cry.

"He- he said you never cared about me, and I just used him, and that no one but him will ever love me"

"Come on bug, you know that's not true. I do care about you, and I hope you know that. And you are not the kind of person who will use someone. You are the most selfless person I know. And people do love you. Your mom's love you, your friends love you" I love you he wanted to add but decided against it. Deciding this wasn't a good time for that. It would only confuse her more.

"Thank you Ricky" she took a breath before continuing. "Can you stay in my room tonight. I don't really want to be alone right now."

"Of course" Ricky smiled at her before pulling her into another hug "Anything that will make you feel more comfortable"

They went to Nini's room when the movie finished and Ricky turned around while Nini changed into more comfortable clothes.

When she was done changing she climbed in bed followed by Ricky. They were facing each other. "I guess we both didn;t have a very good day." Nini said laughing darkly. He smiled and pulled her closer into his chest.

"Goodnight Nini"

"Goodnight Ricky"

He kissed her forehead before both of the drifted off to sleep.


I couldn't think of a name for this story so if anyone had a suggestion please comment it.

I'm done with all my finals so I should hopefully have more time to post. I have a few idea's but they may take me awhile to write them since they are going to be pretty long.

1264 words

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