Fake Relationship

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In this Ricky's parent got divorced when he was 8, and his mom immediately move to Chicago. His mom and her boyfriend, Todd, have been dating for 7 years.

"Hey Nini, I have a big favor to ask you. So, you know how my mom is coming into town soon, right?" Ricky asked. She nodded. "About a year ago my mom was pestering me about why I had never been in a serious relationship, so one day I snapped and told her you were my girlfriend" "What why did you do that" She said sounding slightly annoyed. She has had she had a crush on him for a few years now, but she knew he wouldn't like her back. "I don't know... but my mom is coming into town, and she really wants to meet you and.... ugg... I just don't know what to do." "Well let's do it. Let's pretend to date." Nini said slightly hopefully. She thought that maybe if she could fake date Ricky he would realize that maybe he likes, but that would never happen... right? "Would you be okay with that, it would mean spending everyday together for about 2 or 3 weeks, doing coupley thing like holding hands in public. Dinners with my mom and her boyfriend. Are you sure you want to do that?" "I would do anything for you, your my best friend." Nini said with a smile. That hurt. Ricky has had a crush on Nini since the 7th grade, so her calling him just a 'best friend', it hurt. "Why don't you come over to my house after school and we can figure all the details about this" Nini said beaming. "okay, see you then" Ricky said matching her smile. Nini started walking away, but before Nini left she kissed him on the check.

(later that day in Nini's bedroom)

"So what's our story" Ricky asked "I don't know... how about one day we went to Nally's (A dinner they always go to) and we realized our feelings for each other, and have been dating ever since" Nini blushed slightly. The first time she realizes she liked him was at Nally's in 7th grade. "So when does your mom get here" "A week from Sunday " he said looking at the ground. "So when do we start this..?" She said gesturing between them. "I don't know." Ricky said honestly. "How about we start on Monday. That way we have the weekend to get more comfortable together, in that way, before we go in public." Ricky suggested "That's a good idea" she said. "How about I start by posting something." She said smiling again. "Okay"

@ninisalrobs: me and my boy 🥰❤️Tagged: @rickybows ————@rickybows: you know it 😍🥰     | @realginaporter: is there something              you aren't telling us     | @carlosthegreat: yeah did I miss something________________________

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@ninisalrobs: me and my boy 🥰❤️
Tagged: @rickybows
@rickybows: you know it 😍🥰
| @realginaporter: is there something you aren't telling us
| @carlosthegreat: yeah did I miss something

Nini just laughed at her friends reaction to her post. "I want boba" Nini stated. "And since I'm pretending to be your girlfriend for the next three weeks, I think you owe me" Nini said smirking. "Fine let's go before they close" he said grabbing his keys and heading to his car. When they got to his car he opened the door for Nini. "Ma' lady" he said jokingly. She laughed before getting into the car.
It was around 8:00pm when they got to the boba shop. When they walked in they saw some of their friends sitting at a table. Ricky quickly grabbed Nini's hand and interlocked it with his. Their friends noticed them the second they walked into the shop, so after they got their drinks, they asked them to join them at their table. When they sat down Ricky put his arm around Nini's shoulders and Nini melted into his side. "So are we just going to pretend that's not happening?" Carlos asked pointing at Nini and Ricky. "I need an explanation!!" Kourtney said looking directly at Nini. Nini looked at Ricky silently asking him to explain it. "We've been together for about 3 weeks now" Ricky said, looking at Nini before continuing. "We were at Nally's and we had a moment were we held eye contact for a while the I told Nini that I liked her, and she told me she liked me too. So, ever since then we have been together. We just didn't want to tell people right away become we wanted to make sure these feelings were real." Ricky said smiling and slightly blushing. "Awwwwww" Carlos squealed. "But we need to get back, my moms are expecting us back by nine" Nini said trying to find an excuse to leave. She grabbed Ricky's hand, said goodbye to her friends, and quickly left the shop. When the got back to the car Nini let out a long sigh. "Are you moms actually expecting us back at nine" Ricky asked. "No I just need to be back by 11" she said. "Do you want to just drive around a bit" he asked. "Yeah I'd like that" she said smiling. So that what they did all night. Nini might have gotten in trouble with her moms for missing curfew, but she didn't really care.

(The following Sunday)

Ricky's Mom and Todd flew in today and Nini and Ricky were going to pick them up from the airport. "Hi mom" he said hugging her. When they pulled apart Lynn looked at Nini and said "Wow, you've grown up since I last saw you." She pulled into a hug. "Let's go then" he said to his mom and Todd. Nini and Ricky walked hand in hand through the airport with his mom and Todd following closely behind them. After Lynn and Todd dropped their luggage off at their Airbnb the four of them head to go to lunch. When they got there Lynn immediately started asking them questions about their relationship. They told her the story they had already come up with, and everything seemed to be going fine until Lynn asked Nini a question. "Nini, when did you know you liked Ricky, as more than just a friend." Nini was in shock she didn't know what to say, so she just said the first thing that came to her head... the truth... "I used to date this boy named EJ, and he ended up cheating on me. Ricky was the only person I felt comfortable talking to about it. He was exactly what I need at the time. He was always there to check on me and cheer me up when I really need it. He was the person I always wanted EJ to be." She smiled and blushed a dark shade of pink. Rick held onto Nini a little tighter after that.

(The day before Lynn and Todd leave to Chicago)

The past week and a half went fine. Nothing the couldn't handle. Until Lynn and Todd had asked them to go to a nice dinner with them. Dinner seems to be going as good as it can for a dinner with your mom, your mom's boyfriend, and your fake girlfriend. Until Ricky's mom said she had some big news. "Me and Todd are getting married" she said happily. Ricky stood up and ran out of the restaurant. Nini followed him. They both sat on a bench near the restaurant in a comfortable silence. "My mom's getting married. Todd's going to be my stepdad." Ricky said still in shock. "I know it's a lot to handle but that doesn't mean you can't get through it." She said rubbing his back trying to calm him down. After a minute of siting there they connected eyes. This stare showed all the emotions both of them were feeling at the time. Ricky looked from her eyes, to her lips, then back to her eyes before slowly leaning in and kissing her. She immediately kissed back putting her hands on his cheek. After a little while her hands moved from his cheek, to around his neck playing with his curls. This kiss was everything both of them dreamed it would be. When the pulled apart Ricky whispered "I like you...for real" "I like you too she said back, pulling him into another kiss.

They didn't tell anyone that the first part of there relationship was fake. Until there 'one year anniversary' came up. Carlos got so mad at Ricky because he 'forgot' his and Nini's anniversary. So they were forced to tell everyone how their relationship really started... by fake dating.

Updates maybe slowing down because my schools spring musical rehearsals start next week, and since I'm student director I have a lot of extra work to do. I will try to post as often as I can though. Thanks you for all the votes and nice comments, they really mean a lot to me.

1468 words

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