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Nini and Ricky are just friends. Friends who are hopelessly in love with each other, but just friends.

Nini knows she loved Ricky. How could she not love him. He's the perfect guy for her. He knows her like the back of his hand. He knows how to make her smile when she's feeling sad and how to bring her down when she gets a little too hyper.

Ricky loves her too. But he's positive she doesn't love him back. How could she. She's perfect in every way, and he's just the broken shell of a man.

One night after day one of finals, when Nini and Ricky felt like a weight had been lifted off their shoulders, and they decided to celebrate.

They decided they would go to their favorite restaurant and get milkshakes and then go to the look out and stargaze.

They were currently sitting on the hood of Ricky's car. Their shoulders were touching and Nini's head was rested on his shoulder. Anyone who would have walked by probably would have guessed they were on a date, but no, they were just friends nothing more.

"I need some advice." Nini asked him after about an hour of sitting and looking at the stars. He looked down at her and said, "Okay, tell me what's up and I'll try my best to help you"

"So I like this boy," Nini said, and Ricky's face fell. 'I was right she doesn't feel the same' he thought "And I really want to ask him out but I don't know if he feels the same way, and I really don't want to get rejected and ruin what me and him already have" she continued.

"Nini" he said taking her hand his, "You are an amazing person and if he is too dumb to see and rejects you that's his problem not yours. So just do what will make you the happiest and don't worry about whatever fear in blocking the way"

Nini smiled and placed her head back on his shoulder focusing her attention back on the stars. "Thanks. I needed that"

Nini got all the conformation and confidence she needed. She saw the facial expressions he made when she said she liked somebody. She saw the almost tears in his eyes when he was talking to her, and the passion in his voice when he was talking about not being afraid of rejection, almost as if he was giving the advice to himself.

All of that gave her the confidence she needed to do what she did that next monday at school.

Ricky was at his locker talking to Big Red when Nini came up to talk to them. "Hey Red would it be okay if I talked to Ricky for a second" she said,  "Alone."

"So what did you want to talk about?" he said once Red had left them alone. "It's about that boy I was talking about the other night" she said and his face fell again remembering that conversation.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me sometime. Like on a date" she said a shy smile appearing on her lips. "Wait, I'm confused. You want to go on a date with me. What about that boy" Ricky said completely oblivious to what Nini was trying to insinuate.

"Ricky you are the boy" she said. "Unless you want me to go ask out a different guy" she joked. "No, no, no, no, no, no. I want to be the person on that date, not any other boy. I'm just a little slow sometime"

"So is that a yes, you will go on the date" Nini questioned. "I would want nothing more then to go on a date with you, and maybe a few more after that one" he said, grinning from ear to ear.


I have literally had, stargazing and asking crush for boy advise, in my one shot ideas since I started this book and I just now got around to writing it.

674 words

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