"Come Back.." (what if part 3)

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This takes place during 1x04 (you know the scene)


What if... Nini went after Ricky in episode 4


"These pillows get really flat...I'm gonna go get you another one..." Nini said awkwardly. 'Why did I do that, why did I try to kiss her, thing have been so weird between us lately and I just made it so much worse. I can't do this I just have to get out of here' Ricky thought to himself packing up his stuff, and running out the door.
When Nini came downstairs and saw Ricky was gone she knew what to do. She quickly put a pair of shoes on and ran as fast as she could down the street to try to find Ricky. When she finally found him she screamed trying to get him to stop. When he heard her voice he immediately stopped riding, turned around and slowly walked toward her. "Why did you leave" she asked shivering. Ricky saw how cold she was so he took off his coat and put it over her shoulders. "I can't do this Nini" he said looking directly at her, and holding eye contact. "Ricky come back.. I don't want you out her wandering the streets at night" Nini said hopefully. "Fine" he said. They walked slowly back to Nini's house just chatting and catching up on all the missed in each others lives in the past 4 months. When they finally got back to the house Nini gave Ricky his jacket back. "Thank you for you jacket and thank you for coming back. Do you want to go up to my room and talk a little longer?" "Uh... yeah... sure" he said nervously. He was scared to go back to her room because last time he was in there 'you know what' happened, but he still agreed to go because he wanted to keep talking to Nini.
Once they got to her room all the memories of June started coming back to him. "I just want to say sorry about tonight, and trying to kiss you, i just must have misread the signals I guess.." he said sort of mumbling. "You didn't misread the signals I did want to kiss you, it's just with all that's going on with EJ... I just need some time" she said. "I really did want to kiss you though" she added chuckling. "So do you want to watch a movie or something?" He asked. "sure" she said smiling. They laid down in Nini's bed and turned on Harry Potter.
Nini rested her head on his chest and said "you're my new pillow" Ricky just laughed as they slowly fell asleep. That was how Nini's moms found them the next day, happy and together.

I hop you liked that. I'm writing another one shot that is pretty long so her if a filler chapter while you wait.

474 words

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