The secret

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Nini paced around her bathroom. She didn't know what to do. If those two lines show up it could change her entire future. Her entire life. She's only 17. How is she going to be able to support a child.

Her thoughts were stopped by the timer she had set on her phone. "Time's up" she said quietly to herself before picking up the test and looking at it. It was positive.

It was her worst nightmare. How did she let this happen. How was she going to tell her moms. How was she going to tell Ricky. He wasn't going to want to be tied down by a child. He broke up with her because she said "I love you". What would he do when she told him she was pregnant.

She sat there in her bathroom crying. That was how Carol found her when she came home. She didn't ask questions, she just held her. "I'm pregnant mom. I'm pregnant" she cried into her chest. "It's okay you're going to be fine" "No I'm not. I'm the biggest 17 year old disappointment on the planet." she continued to cry. Carol just held her in her arms not saying a word.

Nini and Carol were currently sitting on Nini's bed. She had run out of tears to cry. "So we need to have a conversation about this," Carol said. "You have a few decisions to make. The first one being do you want to keep the baby." "I do. I know that's weird considering how much I was crying, but I want to keep it." Nini said, refusing to look her mom in the eyes. "Okay so how are you going to tell Ricky. I'm assuming it's Ricky's" "It is" she said quietly. "I don't know if I want to tell him." Carol looked at her questioning what she had said. "I mean, I love him, but I don't want him to leave me again." The tears returned to her eyes. "If you don't want him to know then I won't tell him, but I see the way that boy looks at you, he wouldn't leave you for anything. Nini had a hard time believing her.

It had been a few weeks since Nini first found out about her pregnancy. She was sitting in 3rd period when she suddenly got a wave of nausea. "Miss. Bennett, may I go use the restroom" Her teachers had all been informed about her situation. So she let her go with a small nod. She quickly got up and ran to the bathroom. She spent the rest of the period with her head in the toilet. She was really hoping no one would come in while she was in there, but she wasn't very lucky. Gina came through the door. "Oh my god Nini are you okay!" she asked, rubbing small circles on her back. When she was done puking Gina walked her to the nurse's office.

Ricky🥰❤️😍 is calling...

"Hey baby"

"Hi Ricky"

"Gina told me what happened. How are you feeling"


"Do you want me to come over. I could give you cuddles"

"No it's okay. I want to be alone right now"

"Okay I'll talk to you later then"

"Yea, love you"

"I love you too"

Call ended...

It took all of Nini's self control not to call Ricky back and tell him everything, but she knew she shouldn't.

Over the next few months Ricky had noticed a change in Nini's behavior. She had been less affectionate. She started wearing baggy clothing and left school a lot more often. He didn't know what to do. All he wanted to do was spend time with her, but whenever he suggested them going on a date or him going over to watch a movie, she would always turn him down and tell him she wanted to be alone.

Nini🥰🥰 is calling...

"Baby, hi"

"Hi. I'm just calling to let you know that my moms are going to start homeschooling me so I won't be going to east high for the rest of the year."

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