Just F•R•I•E•N•D•S?? (Rini week 3)

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EJ is Nini's brother. EJ is getting married to a girl named Brooklyn in London. EJ and Ricky are best friends. Ricky and Nini are friends but nothing more.


"Are you ready man?" Ricky asked, putting a comforting hand on EJ's shoulder. "Y-yeah" he said unsertanly, thinking about a certain someone from his past. It seems like he can't get her out of his head recently. It really doesn't help to know that while he's up on the altar saying his I do's she'll be sitting in the crowd watching him.

"You're still thinking about her, aren't you?" Ricky said, noticing him start to space out. "Yes..." he said disappointed in himself. "Bro, you're getting married today, to a girl you love you shouldn't be thinking about anyone else. The only girl that should be thinking about is Brooklyn." "You're right. You're right. I love Brooklyn and i'm marrying her today."

"Okay it's time" Ricky smiled leading EJ over to the altar. "I'll see you when I walk back up" Ricky said walking away toward the back of the church.

The first people to walk down the aisle were Seb and Carlos. Then Ricky and Nini. "So last night?" Ricky whispered through his smile, continuing to walk. "We'll talk about it later" she mumbled walking to her side of the altar. Then Brooklyn walked down accompanied by her dad. She looked amazing. But someone sitting in the front row caught EJ's eye.

After everyone walked up the aisle the priest spoke, "friends, family are gathered here to celebrate today the joyous union of EJ and Brooklyn. May the happiness we share with them today be with then always. Now Brooklyn repeat after me. I Brooklyn" "I Brooklyn" "Take the EJ" "Take the EJ" "As my lawfully wedded husband in sickness and in health, till death parts us" "As my lawfully wedded husband in sickness and in health, till death parts us" "Now EJ repeat after me. I EJ" "I EJ" "Take the Brooklyn" "Take the Gina"

Everyone in the crowd is in shock. No one knew what to say. No one knew what to do. Everyone just looked at him. "-Brooklyn" he said quickly trying to cover his mistake. "Brooklyn" he said again but it was too late. Brooklyn just stood there staring at him still trying to process what just happened.

"Should I go on?" the priest asked Brooklyn. "Yes. Yes. Go on" "Let's start again" "EJ, repeat after me. I EJ" "I EJ" "Take the BROOKLYN" "Take the Brooklyn, not like I'd say anyone else" "As my lawfully wedded wife in sickness and in health, till death parts us""As my lawfully wedded wife in sickness and in health, till death parts us. Really I do. Brooklyn"  Brooklyn gives him a death glare as she shoves the ring on his finger, not caring if she hurt him because he just broke her. EJ gently put a ring on Brooklyn's finger trying not to anger her more. "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." EJ leans in to kiss her but she turns her head before he could and he ends up kissing her cheek. The turn to walk back down the aisle. EJ tries to hold Brooklyn's hand but she throws it off. "Just keep smiling," Brooklyn said, obviously very angry.

"Well that went well" Carlos said as they walked away. "It could have been worse he could have stabbed her." Ricky said only half joking.

"Come on Brooklyn come out so we can talk. I don't care about Gina, I love you and only you. Come on we're married now we need to be able to communicate." EJ said into the bathroom door. "When I locked myself in the bathroom of my wedding I was trying to pry open the window and run" Kourtney jokes. EJ's eyes went wide in realization, tears starting to slowly fall. "Okay Brooklyn I'm gonna open this door in 3, 2, 1." He opened the door to find nobody inside and an open widow. "Well I guess I was right" Kourtney said to herself before leaving a crying EJ in the bathroom.

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