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Nini loved coffee and like most girls her age her favorite place to get coffee was starbucks. She went there every day at the exact same time. So when she walked into Starbucks at her normal time, she was surprised when she didn't see her normal barista. Instead she was faced with an extremely attractive man standing behind the counter.

He had the best smile and beautiful brown curly hair, that made Nini want to run her fingers through it.

"Hello and welcome to Starbucks what can I get for you" he asked. "Just a caramel macchiato, please." she said back to him. He grabbed a cup and asked "name?" "Nini," she said. "Oh" he said, "a pretty name for a pretty girl" and she blushed slightly.

She watched him write down her name and then write something extra near the bottom of her cup.

"Nini," he said. She walked up to him and he handed her her drink with one last smile before helping the next customer.

When Nini got to her she looked at what he wrote at the bottom of her cup. It said "how much does a polar bear weigh"      

This confused Nini, and she couldn't stop thinking about it all day, so when she walked into Starbucks the next day she was happy he was working again so she could ask him.

"How much does a polar bear weigh" she asked him as she walked up to the counter. "Enough to break the ice, hi I'm Ricky" he said putting his hand out for her to shake. She giggled as she shook his hand "Nini"

She ordered another caramel macchiato and waited for him to make it. When she got her cup she immediately looked to see if there was something written there again and there obviously was.

"are you a magician because when i look at you everyone else disappears"

This continued for 2 weeks with a new pick up line every day.

"they say disneyland is the happiest place on earth well apparently no one has ever been standing next to you"

"for some reason i was feeling a little off today but when you came along you definitely turned me on"

"i'm lost can you give me directions to your heart"

"are you a parking ticket cause you've got fine written all over you"

"are you sure you're not tired you've been running through my mind all day"

"aside from being sexy what do you do for a living"

"did the sun come out or did you just smile at me"

"can i follow you home cause my parents always told me to follow my dreams"

"is your name google because you have everything i've been searching for"

"i may not be a genie but i can make your dreams come true"

"i added you to my to-do list"

"there must be something wrong with my eyes i can't take them off you"

"i'd say god bless you but it looks like he already did"

"can you take me to the doctor because i just broke my leg falling for you"

Nini went to Starbucks expecting it to be a normal day and at most it was until she read what was on her cup from Ricky.

"i think i lost my number can i have yours"

She laughed and grabbed the napkin sitting next to her and quickly wrote down her number, walking to the front of the counter, where Ricky was, and slid it to him before walking out the door.

She laughed and grabbed the napkin sitting next to her and quickly wrote down her number, walking to the front of the counter, where Ricky was, and slid it to him before walking out the door

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There was another week of this routine before anything out of the ordinary happened

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There was another week of this routine before anything out of the ordinary happened.

"you remind me of a magnet because you sure are attracting me over here"

"somebody call the cops because it's got to be illegal to look that good"

"you must be a broom cause you just swept me off my feet"

"i must be in a museum because you truly are a work of art"

"are you my phone charger because without you i'd die"

"if i could rearrange the alphabet i'd put you and i together"

"well i'm here so what are your other 2 wishes"

Nini was in a rush today. She woke up late and we were almost late to class but she had to stop for coffee. She usually read Ricky's note to her before leaving but today she was in a rush and didn't have time to.

She almost trough it away before reading his note but as she held the up over the trash can she saw one word 'date' and it intrigued her.

"Clear your schedule, because I'm taking you on the best date of your life this weekend"

She laughed and smiled before pulling out her phone.

She laughed and smiled before pulling out her phone

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sorry it took so long to update I've been so busy with school.

for some reason i can write a 4,000 word one shot in a day but it takes me a week to write a 500 word essay for school.

hopefully more updates coming soon

839 words

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