Chapter 59

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Hey, My loves!!💞💞

First of all, belated Merry Christmas😄🎄🎁❄🎅 & advanced Happy New Year 🎉🎊🎇

So, we finally made it, the last day of 2020. In just few hours, its gonna be 2021. A whole new year, entering a whole new decade.
Damm, I still can't believe I survived this horrible year. 

This year has been really hard for me, and I know, for all. But now, as I am looking back, I can't help but be grateful, for everything. I am grateful that I have a place to stay and food on my plate. I am grateful that I have my family and friends with me. I am grateful for you all, who remain with me, no matter what. 

This year has given me a tremendous amount of anxiety, depression, stress, insanity and whatnot. You name it, I have it. {Not covid, thank god!💫} 

But this year has also taught me to believe in myself, made me strong, taught me to be positive amongst all the negativity, to be happy with the bare minimum.

2020 has surely been a peculiar year, and I can't wait to brag about how we all survived this corona, stay indoors for days, and all to my grandchildren. 😜😜Great idea, No?

What's your version of 2020? Please, do let me know. I love to hear from you guys.

And at last, let's pray to the Almighty for the persons who had lost their near and dear ones. May the almighty give them strength and let the souls rest in peace. 🙏🏻
And Let's salute to our front-line fighters and wish for their good health.

Now, let's get back to the chapter. I think this is the most awaited chapter of the year, if not decade. 😁😜 So enjoy...

Disclaimer:- I am not an expert in medical field (I am anything but an expert 🤧) and I have no idea how stuff actually gets done in hospitals. I wrote everything based on my knowledge from Grey's Anatomy (I love that show, except everyone dying in the end 🙄) and my very own smart sister pravallikalucky224 😘 helped me a lot understanding things a little better by clearing my countless doubts 😅. So thanks to her.
And feel free to point out any loopholes or mistakes. 😊


The next turn of events takes everyone off-guard.

"YOU BASTARD."-Manik comes running to the trio and aggressively pulls Jake up with collar and punches him straight on his face, leaving everyone as well as Jake all bluffed.

Everything happened so fast that no one actually gets to react or stop the incidents from happening.

"Ouch!"-Jake falls back due to the impact of Manik's punch. But Manik doesn't stop there or give him the time to recover. Immediately after, he again pulls him up by his collar and says dangerously, directly looking at his eyes-"How dare you touch her?"

His eyes blood red & face shows rage, fury, and absolutely, no mercy.

"What are you talking about?"-Jake speaks with difficulty.

Now, the others around them finally come to their senses. All come running to them-"Manik, kya kar raha hai? Chod use."

But clearly, Manik didn't budge. He even tightens his grip around Jake-"Don't act smart. Or I swear, I will kill you."

Jake's face starts to turn red, due to the lack of oxygen. Neel and Dhruv are able to forcefully detaches Manik from Jake, finally allowing him to breathe.

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