Hii Guys (p.s. plz read)

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Hello my loves..

Happy Navratri and Subho durga pujo to all of you out there.

How are you guys doing? How's this festival treating you?

If you ask me, then let me tell you, I am bored to death. And when I am bored, usually that's the time when my mind gives birth to ideas.. Weird! I know. 🤭

So what I am saying is, how about we all do a video chat?

In zoom?
Tomorrow around 8.30-9 ish? (AM)

I will share the link then you guys can join and we will just chat.

Nothing serious though 😅 just wanna talk to you guys that's all. It's been more than 3 years and I wanna meet my wattpad family.

What's say? Can we do that?

If you guys are interested, then please let me know cause I really want to talk to you guys.

(P. S. Please guys respond. If you can join, then let me know. If you have any problem with the timing, then let me know. And if you can't, then also please let me know. I will be online all day so will be replying to you all.)

Please maan jao na... 🤭🤭🤭

Edit:- I can see you guys voting and I am really thankful to that.. (At least you guys are voting 🙄🤭) but I will be ready grateful of you guys if you can let know about your opinion 😅. So please do that, don't just vote.

With love
Moon 💖💖

Moon Malhotra is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.Topic: Moon Malhotra's Personal Meeting RoomJoin Zoom Meetinghttps://us05web.zoom.us/j/4441360481?pwd=TnhKMVh2SVhFU0hlSGlPVzdvSVNXdz09Meeting ID: 444 136 0481Passcode: paH3sj

p.s. I will be waiting till 8.15 am starting from now. Join me if you want :)

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