chapter 43

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Am sorry guys.. I really am....for keeping you all waiting so long..

This time,it's my carelessness.. I admit it. And am ashamed of it..

But listen to me first...
If I wanted to update I could have but I wanted to give you guys a long, packed up chapter. As I always say,I literally do research on the topic I am writing to make it more realistic. So it takes time guys..

But hats off to you all for having patience with me and cooperating with me..



P.s.- do inline comments..

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"Ra..Ratan.."-Nandini blurted out meekly looking down at her lap.
Aliya and mukti gashped together-"what?"
Whereas navya muttered to herself in utter shock 'what the hell!!!'

Nandini nodded not looking at anyone.

As soon as Nandini confirmed,Cabir immediately looked at navya,who was greeting her teeth hard. Her palms balled into hard fist. Her breathing ragged. Eyes were splitting fire towards nandini who still didn't dare to look up.

Navya was literally fuming in anger, but didn't say anything. Cabir on the other side,was reading her expressions keenly.

Cabir's pov...

Why is she so angry? Didn't she know about ratan? But how's this even possible? Nandini tells her everything. Doesn't she?
Then why so different reaction? Why navya? What's going on?

Even why isn't nandini looking up? What's she ashamed of? What's the matter?

Pov end...

Here Mukti,aliya and dhruv were sitting their heads down. They were too ashamed to look up at nandini.

They all were thinking only one think. How could they forget that nandini already loved someone and that's not manik. How could this point slipped out of their head?

She left her own parents,her family,her home,her city,her everything behind,only for him. They were such a big fool to think that nandini could have feelings for manik.
Aliya was now regreting her idea to hook her up with manik.

A girl who left her everything behind for a guy she loved,can do anything for him though he didn't know about her love to him. Nandini's love was pure,sacred, and powerful. And they were such an idiot to think otherwise.

They all were sorry as well as sad for manik. Cabir told them about Manik's feelings later. They all were so happy to know about it. Finally they started to think something might had had happened with manan. But in their happiness,one vital point slipped out of their mind that nandini may not have same feelings to manik.

And these were feelings,not some cards or something that you could spend on anybody at anytime.

Nandini wasn't at fault here. If anyone should be sorry there, it's fab 4 who made such a fuse about this thing without knowing the both side's story.

But they were not at fault fully,they watched how nandini behaved around manik or how she blushed when manik's name was uttered. Moreover they didn't heard anything about the  'Ratan' guy from nandini for once in these past months. They misunderstood her behaviour.

But whatever they  wanted to do,they wanted it for manik as well as nandini. They cared about both of them. But now it's of no use.

Look at the irony,fate is giving nandini her chances but nandini is just misusing them, letting them go in vain.
Fab 4 did get the clue but it's just nandini who didn't confess.

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