chapter 41

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Sorry for the little delay...

Trust me, sometimes wattpad 'sucks'. 😡😡

As I said before, here is the update. 😊😊

pari_0902 you guessed absolutely right honey.. 😘😘😘Love you..
And purnima17 you guessed right too but you messed up with the date... No problem, I love you too.. 😘😘


P. S. -Do inline comments. They are just 'cherry on top'.. 😊😊

And plz read till the end, I have something important to tell you.


Next morning..
Navya and Nandini were coming down from stairs while talking when their eyes laid on Fab 4 except manik, were sitting on the dining table chit-chating.

Navya drew thier attention by saying-"hamare bina hi breakfast shuru kar diya guys?? That's rude you know.. " she faked a cry.

Fab 4 immedietly became silent seeing both of them. Navya again said while sitting on the chair and grabbing an apple from the table-"what happened? what are you guys looking at?"

"You."-a pale yet firm voice came and navya almost chokked that morsel she took, immediately. It was cabir. He has a band around his neck where his face held so many emotions all together.

Nandini went near him and asked with concern-"oh gosh..Are you ok cabir?"

Cabir noded his head or should I say he tried to nod in negetive and said sarcastically looking at navya with rage in his eyes-"thanks for asking nandu. Otherwise some people didn't even know to say sorry after they pulled some dangerous life-risking stunts."
Navya glared at him when he ignored her totally and turned towards nandini and said getting hyper-"do I look ok from any side nandu?? Of course I am not OK.. not at all. My neck is hurting like shit and for your kind information I have a show to attend today evening. What do you think I am going there with this?"
He emphasized the word almost crying.

Nandini tried to stop her laughter and calm him down but navya didn't shut her mouth. She got up from her seat and said angrily-"what do you mean by that cabir? Are you trying so say I am responsible for your this situation??"
Cabir too got up and replied in the same tone,glaring her-"aur nei tou kya? I am responsible for this situation of mine?? And I am not TRYING to say,I AM SAYING."
"Of course. You are the soul reason behind it.."-it didn't take any moment longer for navya to react.
Cabir spoke unbelievablely-"are you even serious navya?? I am responsible for my state?"
This time too navya was quick to reply-"yes cabir. It was you and only you."
"I just asked you a simple question navya. Just a simple question. And see what you have done. You just pulled out this dangerous crazy life-risking stunt on me. "
"Not just a simple question cabir, you doubted my skills."
Cabir now asked surprisingly-"what?When did I do that?"
"You did that cabir. And you know what, I just hate those peoples who judge someone by his/her looks and doubted his/her abilities to do something. "
Cabir tried to reason out-"what?? No.. There is no way I was doubting you or your skills or your abilities. Neither I was judging you by your looks. I was just.. You know joking.. But you took it all in a wrong way navya."
Navya gave him a forced smile-"I know you were joking. So I also made a joke,practical joke. It's fair enough. Isn't it?"
Cabir's mouth hang open-"it was your joke.?"
"Off course. It was.. You know what.. Just thank God that I knew you were joking. Otherwise you wouldn't be in condition to even sit properly."

Nandini spoke in middle-"sorry to interrupt, she can do that.."

Cabir strarted at her then back to navya with shock for a minute or two then finally gave up and sat down with a defeated face.
He said to himself-"Imepossible.. It's impossible to make you understand so why to even try?"

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