Chapter 9

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Hola my cupcakes... 😘😘😘

See, am here with update 😄😄

And this time,am not late..Well 😅😅 at least not that much..🙄🙄

So #happyreading

After all the necessary formalities,Manik is now sitting Nandini in the flight's business class,waiting for the take off. He is reading a business magazine,better saying,hiding behind it as Nandini keep looking outside the small glass window,lost in her thoughts.

Sometimes,Manik really gets irritated with his stardom. No offense,he loves his fans very much. He knows what he is today,all credits go to his fans but sometimes they really cross all the lines. As soon as they see him or FAB 5 somewhere,they forget everything and start chasing them. Whenever,they catch a glimpse of him,they start to chase him for an autograph,or a hug or selfies. They forget that they are humans too,with much needed privacy and personal space. It's not like he doesn't like the attention and love from them,but sometimes it becomes way too much to bear. Just like this time,as soon as he has entered the flight,all the air hostesses are on the 'attention' mood.

It's only been like some minutes they got up and took their seats. Those girls are coming back again and again in every 5 minutes to ask him if Manik needs anything or not,if he is comfortable or not.

At last,Manik can't take it anymore. He has it enough. He calls an air hostess immediately.

An eager girl,in her mid 20s comes hurriedly and asks him ever so sweetly showing her all 32 teeth-"Yes Sir,how may I help you?"

Manik forces a smile too ever so sweetly and asks the girl showing her the call-button-"Well,I just wanna know what's the function of this button here?"

That air hostess doesn't suspect anything. She actually gets really excited that Manik himself asks something from her. She being naive,starts explaining enthusiastically-"That's a call button sir. If you need anything,just press it and one of us will be here immediately at you survive sir. Anu tike,any moment."

"Ohh.."-Manik makes an O face as if he is processing her words but all of a sudden his whole expressions change. He says with all seriousness-"Did I press that button for once ever since I got into the flight?"

That girl gulps seeing Manik's dangerous face.

"One more time,you or anyone of you come here to ask the same stupid question,I will report a complaint against you to your higher authorities about invading in my personal space. I will make sure that you won't get back to your work any time soon. And trust me,it's not an empty threat. I mean it."-as soon as Manik completes in his authorities voice,the girl's face pales like ash.
" sir. It''s just...we..we are..doing our here."
"Shut up. And do what you are here for. DO YOUR WORK. Don't be so nosy. Next time,I want you guys here when I CALL you to be here. Otherwise you are neither needed nor welcomed here."-Manik dismisses the hostess.

The girl gulps in fear and literally runs away in her long heels.

Manik sighs in relief. He doesn't intend to be rude,but some people don't understand polite words.

He then looks beside him only to find Nandini sitting with a sad face,still looking outside the window. She seems totally oblivious to the incident happened right there and Manik is grateful for that. Last thing,he wants Nandini to get scared of him. But Nandini doesn't spare a single glance at him till they boarded the flight. She is just looking outside at nothing particular.

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