chapter 23

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Holaaa 😀😀😀😀😀

Main aa gayi with the update after a long time 😜😜😜😜. ......

So #happyreading


Next morning..

Nandini's sleep broke at around 6:00 am... it's quite quick for her to wake up.

Actually last night, she slept in her sitting position only. Her back was rested on the headboard of the bed. Her neck mussels got strains as she slept in that uncomfortable position.

she woke up with a sharp pain in her neck.

"aauuu..."-she slightly murmured. but then her eys fell on manik sleeping beside her. He was sleeping with a content smile of his face. As if he was having a deep peaceful sleep after a long time.

Nandini too forgot her pain seeing his face

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Nandini too forgot her pain seeing his face. Manik was sleeping hugging nandini's dupatta with his mouth slightly opened. He was looking extreamly cute,just like a baby..but a grown up baby.
Nandini went all aww on him.

she touched his nose,his eyes, his mole over his lips with her fingers.

Must say, he has some awesome facial cuttings. His pointed nose,his two dark brown eyes,his perfect pink lips,his small cute mole just over his lips.

Truly said,she was always fascinated about his mole.

{Even I myself always do that.. .😅😅😅😅}

But here manik moved a little feeling nandini's cold fingers on his face. Nandini removed her hand quickly. she didn't want his peaceful slumber to get disturbed.

she was going to get up but foung her dupatta still in manik's tight hold. she didn't want manik to wake up. but she needed to go and get fresh. An idea stuck her mind. She left her dupatta there only and got up. Manik turned the other side and slept again.

Nandini once smiled affectionately and left the room.

Later nandini prepared coffee for manik and went to his room at 7:30 o' clock.

Manik was still sleeping. Nandini pulled out the curtains. Morning sun rays jumped in the room disturbing manik's sleep.

He made an annoyed baby face and got up while rubbing his eyes just like a 3 years old baby who just woke up from his sleep undauntedly.

Nandini was just going all aww over him. Now she couldn't resist herself more. she pulled his cheeks and exclaimed-"awwww......"

Now Manik's sleep flew away from the open window with this act of Nandini.
His eyes got wide open and he asked in a shocked tone-"wh. .what are you doing???"
Nandini replied smilingly-"manikk,why are you so damm cute??"
Another shock for manik.

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