Chapter 54a

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Hola people. I hope you all are safe and sound. How's lockdown in your area? Most importantly, how's this kind of life treating you? Any changes in your life or as usual?

well, without much redo, let's go the chapter...



That morning......Malhotra Mansion......

After dropping Maddie and Jake at their houses, Nandini reaches Malhotra Mansion at around 6 in the morning. Cabir's driver drops her at the doorstep. Nandini gets down, tiptoes into the house, and directly runs to her room.

On the way to her room, she stops in front of Manik's room for a split second. Closed! She signs and goes inside her room. She closes her door and immediately goes to freshen up.

In the bathroom, Nandini stands in front of the basin and looks in the mirror. Unknowingly, she laughs at the reflection staring back at her. Nandini already has a petite figure. But the all-nighter she just pulled with all the running here and there and all the stress, are making her look almost invisible. Honestly, she looks absolutely horrible. Her face is dull with sweat and tiredness. She has dark circles under her eyes, which look so dead, without her usual sparkle in them. Lips chapped. Hair messy. Moreover, Nandini has been skipping her meals for somedays now. She discovers she had lost some weight. Soon enough the funny laugh changes into a pitiful one. Nandini feels pity for her self.

And let me tell you that is one of the ultimate breaking points for everyone. No one, and let me repeat nobody should feel pity about his/her self. If he/she does feel that way, then he/she needs some serious help.

Her mind says pitifully-"Did you look at yourself? What have you done, Nandu? When's the last time you ate properly?"

Heart too sympathizes-"Yeh kya ho gaya Nandu?"

And that was it. Nandini can't control anymore. She breaks down in tears.

"You don't deserve to be like this. You don't deserve to live like this."-Mind silently reasons out sadly.

Her heart and mind both are sad seeing their most favorite person like this.

Nandini doesn't want anyone to hear her so quickly, she gets in the shower. As the hot water touches her head and runs through her body, Nandini continues to sob. She doesn't know why she is crying like that but she is. Her legs cannot support her weight. So she sits on the floor with a thud and let her eyes ball out all the tears she has in her.

After crying her eyes out, Nandini lifts her body from the bathroom floor with great difficulty. Somehow wiping her body with the towel, she enters her bedroom. The bed looks so tempting right now. She lifts her body up and then dumps on the bed in her rob only. The warmth of the blanket fills her in.

"Navya would be so mad if she sees you like this."-Heart sighs.

"Navya!!"-Nandini remembers her bestie cum sister in her half-awake state. It's been so long she had an actual talk with her. Nandini wipes down her tears and mental notes to give Navya a call.

Thinking so, she is out in no time.

At 10:30 am...

Nandini wakes up feeling much fresh. She leaves the bed and gets ready for the day.

Nandini is combing her almost dry and frenzy hair when her stomach grumbles, grabbing her attention. Then she remembers she hasn't had any actual food in the last 24 hours. After sharing herself one last look, she comes out. On her way down, while crossing the hallway, she again stops and glances at Manik's door. Closed! Maybe he isn't home now or he is. She doesn't know.

Nandini comes down and goes to the kitchen only to find it empty. She looks here and there only to find the whole house empty. Maybe Maria aunty has gone to market, thinking so, Nandini goes into the kitchen to make herself some peanut butter sandwiches.

{Now peeps, tell me what's your all-time go-to/comfort food that you can eat any point of time in any situation. Mine are Egg Maggie and Peanut butter sandwiches.}

She has just finished making the last one when the doorbell rings. Then it rings again and it continues to ring, again and again, making Nandini clearly annoyed.

Now you tell me, you have your very appetizing food in front of you, all ready to be eaten but at that very moment, someone rings the bell.

Nandini is clearly in dilemma but the person at the door, seems in a hurry. So Nandini picks one sandwich up, shoves that in her mouth, and runs to the front door to open it.

As soon as she opens the door, she freezes. Clearly, she recognizes them at the very first look. Her eyes grow wider. Her whole-body composure changes, from relaxed to tense. From her expressions, it seems like she has seen some ghosts.

At the door, a couple is standing with a little girl, maybe in 2-3 years old, looking at her with her big dewy eyes. But that is not what making her uncomfortable. Her concern is the people standing in front of her.

At first glance, they seem really friendly. They both have really pleasant smiles on their faces which automatically brings you to smile back. But Nandini can't do that either. She has her mouth stuffed with the sandwich, remember?

Can you imagine the situation? You want to smile but you can't because your face is literally stuffed. But you can't take your food out of your mouth because, it's just gross. so, what do you do instead? You just stare at them, making them uncomfortable instead.

{Okkk....You know what. I am stopping right here...

I know so many of you are going to bash me right, left and center. 😆😆But you know what I am gonna take them, as sportingly as I can😅😅. Because, clearly this lockdown is making me go crazy and online classes aren't helping much.😔😔 But you know what, I want to guys to tell me what you think? Who are those people? Nandini recognizes them no doubt. then why she becomes so scared?

Batao..Batao...😏😏 Let the screws in your brains do some dance and tell me about your ideas. I am pretty sure no one will get that right... Prove me wrong... I am waiting for your massive response.

Don't forget to vote, comment, share and follow if possible.

I will get back to you as soon as possible.

p.s. The crazy ones will get a chance to get featured in my next chapter.


With love
Moon 💖💖

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