Chapter 57

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Hi my loves...

Hope you are doing well. 

Now before starting the chapter, I would like to thank every one of you, for sticking with me through thick and thin. 

The last couple of days were kind off, I would say, abnormally stressful for me. I know many of you just want me to update frequently, and that's it. And I know that I don't match your expectations. But, I don't think that gives you the right to talk ill to me. I get that you don't consider me as your friend, why would you? You don't even know me personally. But trust me, when I say this, you guys are my second family. So, when you say something like that, it hurts. 

Maybe I shouldn't mind any of these as you guys are technically strangers to me, but I am very much attached to you all. So, it is hard to listen to people say such harsh words to you.

Chalo koi na, don't mind any of these. I thought to share but you can ignore this.

So here is the next chapter. But I would suggest to please read the character sketch once again as I have edited some parts in there which will help to understand the following chapter. Otherwise, I have to remind you all again and again.

Ok, now without further due, let's keep reading.



Coming Back to Nandini...

After Nandini has left the taxi, she has been walking since. It is been for a while now. She doesn't know where she is going but the only thing, she knows that she has to walk, walk far far away from the city, from the man she loves and cares about the most.

Nandini doesn't actually have a sense of where she actually is going. She doesn't even know the place she is in right now. It's a middle of a jungle and that's it. She is just walking aimlessly, as far as her eyes go on. But suddenly, she finds herself standing in front of an edge. She stops abruptly. She moves a little closer and looks down. That is really deep.

"What if I fell in there?"-She wonders-"How much would that hurt? How much time would that take for somebody to find me?"

Then she laughs at herself for having such a stupid thought-"As if I have somebody to look out for me."

She looks forwards and finds beautiful scenery.

She signs and sits down, near the end of the edge, spreading her legs forward

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She signs and sits down, near the end of the edge, spreading her legs forward. Her feet hurt. She quickly removes her heels.

"What an uncomfortable piece to wear."-She thinks in her mind.

Her feet are red from walking so long in those heels on the uneven paths. Actually, she has not been even walking on the main road. She has taken a side track, a path in the jungle, and reached the spot.

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