chapter 45

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Hollaaaa peopleeee....

Am here with the update. I know you guys are disappointed with me. But trust me ,sometimes wattpad sucks 😡😡

Whatever,am editing this book from the beginning by adding more scenes in it..😉😉

Now as the chapter is here,read it and tell me how's this..

Ps-This time target 150 comments 👏


It is past 7:30 in the morning. A beautiful white mercedes benz is running on the streets of outer mumbai.

Inside the car, a soft music is playing in the radio in the background as nandini used to enjoy the fresh morning air.
She is smiling on her own remembering today's morning incident.


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Nandini goes to cabir's room to check on him as she knew cabir came late at night and is still asleep.

She enteres the room and finds cabir still sleeping on his stomach. But the sunlight is disturbing his peaceful slumber. She goes to the windows and pulls the curtains down. She is going to come out but one thing catches her attention.

Cabir's phone.

It vibrated signaling a new text message just arrived. Nandini wondered who the person would be to messege cabir this early? She glanced at the screen and the contact showed 'My Dramatic Love 💖'

Nandini was surprised at first.

Dramatic Love? Who is it? Cabir's girlfriend? No. It's not possible. But why is it not possible? Cabir is mature and handsome enough to have a girlfriend. But when did this happen? Does other's know? Is it even his girlfriend???
But if it is really his girlfriend,then what about navya? She will be heart broken after knowing about it. She truly loved him. Didn't he notice?

Such questions were playing in her head. She wanted to know who it was but something in her mind telling her not to. After all its all about Cabir's privacy and she didn't want to poke her nose in. But she was curious at the same time.

After a lot of self-debating,her curiosity finally own. She took the phone from the table and swiped up the screen. The wallpaper literally shocked her. It the picture taken yesterday evening in the marine drive where cabir was smiling at navya while hugging her from her waist and navya was looking at him.

Nandini was all in aww looking at the pic. She then opened the message but it was locked. Nandini rolled her eyes and taking Cabir's right hand extra carefully,she took his thumb's print to unlock the application. She started and after reading some of the recent chat,suddenly realisation hit her like a cannon ball. It's Navya..

And that's it. She couldn't held herself anymore. She shouted at the top of her voice "AAAAHHHHHHHHH....."

Hearing her shout,cabir woke up with a jerk and found nandini shouting holding his phone in her hand.

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