Chapter 56

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Hola my loves,
How are you all?

And yayyyyy, I am alive. wwooohhooo. Surprised? I am too. 🙈🙈

I am sure the majority of you thought I am dead. didn't you? tell me honestly.

But no, I am not dead, still thriving by the grace of God. Hehe... 😅😅

Now before you start to bash me right, left, and middle (as if you didn't last time when I left you at the cliffhanger 😏😏) , let me tell you, I wasn't very happy with the chapter I wrote previously. And if you guys know me, I don't publish until and unless I feel like it's up to the mark. So, I deleted everything and started writing again. this time I feel no I can publish it and you guys will love it. And you guys will see as you will read the chapter, this one is the longest one ever. I actually combined two chapters, you know, for compensating a bit. 😅🙈

Abhi to gussa chod dijiyeeeeee....😘😘

But let's not waste any more time and go straight into the chapter...


Next morning...almost 5 am...Manik's bedroom...Malhotra Mansion

It's Manik who first wakes up from sleep, but not willingly. The soft, naughty sunrays are disturbing his perfect slumber. He tries to avoid them, but they are too adamant to listen. So, Manik turns aside and sinks his face more into something soft beside him.

After successfully tackling the sunrays, he takes a deep breath of relief. He is still very much tired and sleepy. He is drifting off again but then a smell comes in his nose, a very known and addicting smell which brings back some memories of a dream, a very sweet dream. He smiles with his eyes closed. But suddenly his ears catch some sounds. He hears a heartbeat, a heart that is beating in sync with his own. That very sound wakes up Manik's senses completely.

He opens his eyes abruptly and notices a goddess lying with him, 'Nandini'. He whispers her name bewildered. It feels so unreal.

"Am I still dreaming?"-Manik asks himself-"If I am, then I don't want to wake up ever."

Nandini is sleeping peacefully. She looks content. Her breathing even, indicating she is in deep slumber. Her skin is glowing under the golden sunrays. Her hair all spread out on the pillow. Face completely bare but still, she seems the most beautiful woman in the world.

"Last night wasn't a dream."-Manik says to himself, finally registering his surroundings, more like making himself belief-"Nandini is actually with me". And deep down, his heart is doing salsa.

He supports himself on his elbow and smiles lovingly at her angelic face

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He supports himself on his elbow and smiles lovingly at her angelic face. He traces her face with his index finger. Her skin feels so soft and smooth. He is afraid if applied more pressure, she would break.

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