Chapter 61

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Hello my loves. ❤👀
Hope you are doing well. I am alive too, thanks for whoever asked 😏😉

Now before you start throwing anything and everything at me, let's get straight to the update 🙈😅


Navya has been swimming. Yup, you have read it right! She has been swimming, better say, floating in absolutely nothing but emptiness in complete pitch dark for what feels like eternity.

And though the situation must appear hilarious or even awesome to you, but trust me, it is anything but that. The amount of uneasiness and discomfort and anxiety it gives to the person is unimaginable.

And quite honestly, Navya is feeling nauseous. She looks around her but she is greeted with nothing but darkness. On the other hand, the constant feeling of motion is just getting on her nerves.

She is starting to panic now. Why can't she see anything? Why isn't the darkness going away?

She is on the verge of breaking down when she remembers that once in her childhood, her Bade Papa (Nandini's Dad) said to her-"Whenever you are sacred, open your eyes. It doesn't have to be your literal eyes, but try to soak in things with all of your senses. And you will see the difference. You won't be scared anymore. Unknowingness brings fear. If you know things, you are good to go."

Navya didn't understand the meaning, the deepness of his talks back then but now, she finally gets it.

She gathers all her might and will and opens her eyes.

And the sudden brightness around her almost blinded her as soon as she opens her eyes. It stings her eyes so much that she is forced to shut them again with a groan-"Damm my eyes! Why is it so bright in here? What's the time?"

The feeling of being in motion is gone, but the uneasiness is still there and she even feels drowsy.

After giving herself enough time to get a hold of the confusion she is feeling right now, she again attempts to open her eye, this time with a little more patience and she is greeted with a strikingly bright white ceiling.

"Hmmm. Everything seems pretty normal."-her heart exclaims in relaxation. For a brief moment, she really thought she has been laying in her own room in Kolkata.

But damm! She was wrong.

Soon enough, her mind shouts in horror-"Wait, I don't have a white ceiling. Which place is this?"

Navya quickly moves her eyes around her in search of something familiar, which can assure her that she isn't kidnapped or anything.

Then she finds out that she is lying on a single bed, which is quite comfortable, much to her surprise, in a strikingly bright room. With a couple of simple bedside tables on each side of her bed, with various types of things in it. There are a couple of machines near her head, which clearly indicates that it's a hospital room.

"How do I end up here?"-her mind is now starting to function properly. But before she can find out what exactly happened, her mind again shouts, giving herself a jump-scare-"Wait, Nandu?"

And voila! The memories of past events and panic are back.

"Is she fine? I need to be with her. What am I doing here anyway?"-She tries to get up but she suddenly feels so weak to even move a finger.

She takes a couple of breaths to calm herself down from the panic storming in herself. In the meantime, she remembers the last thing her brain registered that after the doctors had resurrected Nandini, she had fainted. She remembers feeling a huge wave of relief washing over her and darkness followed suit.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2021 ⏰

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