Chapter 52

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Hola people, hope everyone is doing fine now. I know we all are nowadays locked down in our homes but I would request you to stay indoors only. If that makes us stay alive, then we will stay inside. What's say? 😉😉

Well, before starting the chapter, I am gonna say some things. Please don't take this in any negative way, moreover, this is not for everyone too. This is just a small message that I want to give to you guys.

Please do read...

Its been more than 2 years now. But still, this story isn't reaching the heights I thought it would. I don't know that's the problem anymore? I thought I was new, but now, it's been 2 years. I thought people aren't reading my story but no, I can see the number of views the story is getting. Then why in the earth this story isn't getting any higher in position? I thought if I sit back with patience, it will get better, but again, NO. It isn't going any better. Now you guys tell me, what should I do? 

But before that, let me tell you some more stuff. Since last year, I have been receiving offers about publishing this story on various websites {rather than wattpad}. All of them have really alluring offers, as well as they all, come with a pretty good payslip. They only have one major condition, that is I have to delete my story from here. And you know what? I was even considering their offer.  But you know what, on the day of signing the contract, I thought if I delete the story from here, it won't be fair to YOU guys. YOU guys were with me ever since. Either you guys vote or comment (which I know most of you don't do), you were there. And I won't do any justice if all of a sudden I delete this story from here, so I backed off. I denied their offer. And here I am, still writing for you all, after knowing that you all are gonna just read the chapter, and leave without even considering voting or commenting. As always. 

You know what, I am a member of this Wattpad family for a pretty long time now. First, first, I would just read the story then leave. Sometimes I would vote but I rarely commented. Then I started my own story and then only I get to know how does it feels. After you spend hours in writing, without taking any break or sleeping, just typing continuously, what does it bring back to you? so many views, yet a couple of votes and some small, torn pieces of comments? That's it?

All those hours you spent writing, brings you nothing much. What do you think how would the writer would feel? I know that feeling. That's why you know what I did? I personally went to each and every writer's page, whose books I have been reading but never think of voting or commenting, I went to each of them and pmed them. I apologized to them and told them their stories are amazing. and they are doing great and even they can do better. I told them to keep writing. I said that. Almost every one of them replied back, saying how much my words actually meant to them, that their days were just passing by but my words just made their day better.

But why I am telling you all of these? it's of no use. I know you guys are gonna ignore this message again, and going back to your old routine of just reading and commenting if and only if you need an update. Isn't it? I know it is. Prove me wrong if you can.

I know you can't. So let me be clear. If you guys don't vote or comment on a regular basis from now on, I am going to delete this story from here {even though it's going to kill me but sometimes it's better to take yourself out of the state if no one is actually giving you credit.}.

Apart from that, I will update when I will wish to do so. If you guys can't give me followers or votes or comments, you guys don't have the right to demand for an update.

[P.S. I am not telling these to all of you. I know some of you are my true readers and I respect and love you all. You guys are my family.]

Now, if you are finished reading the message, or not (I know most of you don't even read it. Haha.. What I was even expecting? You all just want the update. Tum logo ko Sirf update see matlab hai, baki sab bhad me aye, you guys don't care. do you?) please, kindly read the chapter or not, I don't expect anything now. You guys have crushed all of my expectations. Therefore I am presenting you with a long chapter {Though it's my birthday.}. Haha, how stupid I am. No?

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