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Tan tanaaaa..... 😁😁😁😁😁😁

Soo?? It's 13 March.

What's so special today??


Yaad nei?? 🙁🙁🙁🙁

Come on... Yaad karoo... 😉😉😉😉

Yeshhhh.... you get it.....😆😆😆😆😆

It's been an whole year😋😋😋😋😋😋



Yes..you guys guessed it right..

13 March'2017 was the day,when I started writing this book. And see it's already 2018,a whole year. I still can't believe it though. But yeah,it's already a year..🙂🙂

Let me confess something to you all. Am just being truthful.

So I started writing just to express my emotions that I kept inside me from so long..I started writing for my 'Dii'.

Back then,I didn't have any slightest idea that I will get so much love,so much care,respect from you guys..

You guys remember at the very first part,I presented this book as a birthday gift to Parth as 2 days ago it was his birthday. But lucky me,I got 'return gift'.

I got YOU. Yes..it's YOU. YOU guys bring out the 'writer' within me.

I got so much things to learn from you guys. I got my second FAMILY here.

Yes..you guys are my FAMILY. And I love each one of you equally. I know sometimes I was rude,bitch,devil and many more. But thank YOU for not giving up on me.

YOU guys are my strength. YOU guys make me feel wanted when I was low. YOU guys make me smile when I was sad. YOU guys gave me courage and enthuse that's why I am here.

All I wanna say is Moon Malhotra 'The writer',aaj jo kuch bhi hai,iska sole reason hai YOU.


Trust me.. YOU guys are sooo special to me. I don't wanna loose any of YOU. I just love YOU all to the moon and back and then again back to the moon..


I know am being emotional..But I can't help it.

And I specially want to thank my #smile muskangoel12 and my #rutu_darling Its_me_Rutu.

These two girls did the 'main' work. And that was 'convincing me' that I should write. If these two were not there with me at that time, May be I wasn't here,with you. So thank you my #pancakes 😗😗

P.s.-As I promised there is the update coming right away. I just need to change some scenes, attach some pics and it will be done. It will be posted before noon.. #pakka promise.


With love
Moon ❤❤

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