Chapter 60

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Hello my Loves...

Hope you guys are doing well. 

So I saw your comments on the previous chapter... I wore you guys a lot by the humungous chapter. 😅😅 You guys were very overwhelmed (as well as me, obviously 🙄😏). Some of you were even frustrated and furious. But you know what, whenever you guys feel something so strong while reading something, that's where the writer gets her reward. 😄

So thank you, guys!! 🤗

BTW I know it's been a while since I started the 'rollercoaster' ride with you guys, and as much as you now feel 'nauseous', I am not done yet. 😉

So, sit tight, and let's get going.

P.S. Before starting the chapter, I want YOU to know that YOU ARE LOVED and YOU ARE WORTHY. YOU ARE PRECIOUS and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. There might come some point in life where you would feel completely alone and useless. I just want you to remember that YOU ARE NOT ALONE. YOUR LIFE MATTERS, YOU MATTER. 




Comes a high-pitched voice from a distance. It's saying something, calling someone's name but the words are merely understandable.


The voice is getting closer over time and is much clearer now. But still, they are just some noises. They are not enough to get actual, meaningful words from them.

"UTHO NA..."

The voice now seems to be right beside, and oddly, the voice seems very familiar. But again, the person can't seem to put a finger on it. She wants to think harder but surprisingly, she can't get herself to care enough to do that. She just wants to sleep, and that's it. And she indeed is slipping in her slumber but then she feels a touch.

The owner of the voice has started to shake the person. It's trying to wake her up but she is just not in a mood to wake up.

On the other side, the person can actually hear and feel everything happening around her. But nothing is very clear. It feels like she is in a big bubble. She wants to open up her eyes but can't seem to do. It feels super heavy. She feels like someone had glued her lashes together. She tries once then gives up. She is too tired to try harder and mostly, she is too comfortable to care or move any muscle. It feels like she is floating on a big, fluffy cloud. It simply feels amazing.


The disappointment is clearly visible in the voice. The owner of the voice seems to give up too. Well, fine with her. she can now go back to her sleep.

But not much later and much to her disappointment, a scream near her eardrums, brings her back from her perfectly comfortable slumber-"NANDIIIIIIIII........."

"Wait a minute. Nandi?"-that catches her attention.

She thinks harder-"Who would call me Nandi? No one did, except...."

But before she can process the whole name situation, again the voice, now cajoles-"Wakey wakey Nandi, or else, you know what would happened!!"

That particular statement causes 'Nandi' to get up with a jerk with her eyes, full open. It brings back some bitter-sweet memories.

"That has to be a dream."-she thinks with elevated breaths and looks around.

And immediately, she is greeted with the amazing view of the vast deep blue sky with white fluffy clouds floating around and green grass-covered valley. It's so bright everywhere. The surrounding is bound to bring a smile on your face and put you in a good mood instantly. The mountains are standing with their heads high with pride. A chilly breeze is blowing, making her shiver but the sun scorching above her head makes the whole cold weather bearable and pleasantly comfortable.

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