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Hola my readers...👋👋

I hope you all are doing great.😊

Thanks for all the support in the previous chapter. I hope you guys will stick with me till the end.😊😊

Now without wasting more time, I am here presenting you the very first chapter of my very new story "Reason Behind My Existence".



Kolkata; At 9:00 pm.

Navya-"Ok Nandu, I should take your leave now. If there is any possibility to go to the event, just give me a call and I will be there. Ok?"

Nandini keeps looking down and remains silent.

Navya shakes her friend-"Ai Nandini, what happened?"

Finally, Nandini looks up-"I don't know honestly. I feel restless. It feels like something is going to happen."-she says fidgeting with her dupatta.

"What's gonna happen?"-Navya asks further.

"I don't know that but something will happen for sure I am certain about it."

"Jo bhi hoga, ache ke liye hi hoga. Samjhe?"

Nandini nods but she looks far from being convinced.

"Acha listen, leave all those but just make sure to talk to Bade Papa and Badi Maa whenever they get back, ok?"

"I...Umm...I don't think I should."

"What?"-this statement surprises Navya-"What do you mean?"

"I mean, what's the point?"

"Nandiniiii..."-Navya says in a dejected tone-"We have talked about this, haven't we?"

"We did but again Navya, what's the point? Do you really think they are gonna just agree with me? Haven't you heard Papa this morning? He said he had taken a decision. It's not up for any discussion. The verdict is already been served."

All these words just keep adding fuel to Navya's temper. All evening she has been just mentally preparing Nandini for 'the talk' and after all of those, this is what she is saying.

Navya wants to burst into an explosion out of helplessness. But then she looks at Nandini. She looks so timid and tired. Her eyes look scared. 

Navya-"You know what, even if there is no chance the Nandini I know would still take a chance. Aree, I have seen you being strong in such positions where normal persons would have just crumbled into pieces. I have seen you conquer such situations. You didn't accept defeat then why now? All you have to do is talk. Talk your heart out. They are your parents Nandini. I am surely certain that they would at least try to listen. Even if they won't agree or discuss the things we actually want them to, the least they can do is listen. Don't you think so?"

And that's the part where Nandini has been most uncertain about. But when she looks at Navya looking so hopeful, she doesn't have the heart to say anything otherwise so she just nods in agreement, consoling her heart that against all the odds, things might just turn out in her favor. Who knows?

Reason Behind My ExistenceWhere stories live. Discover now