And The Good Girl Goes Bad. *Ch. 28*

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They strode in and I turned my head up to face them directly, I shut my notebook and slowly set it down by my legs.  My eyes wandered over their facial expressions, they were smirking, something that wasn’t rare for them, but with our circumstances, it was.

“Well, Grace,” Louis started with and sat down in my desk chair. A smirk resting on his lips trying to intimidate me.

“We’ve summoned to talk,” Liam said normally and just leant up against my dresser.

“What? Are you going to tie me to my bed post and duct tape my mouth?!” I let out accidentally, Harry and Zayn looked like the irritated cartoon characters that could blow steam out of their ears at any moment.

“Uncalled for!”

Niall droned and I scoffed back at the boys.

“Grace quit acting like a child! You’re fourteen years old!”

Liam finally bursted out with, I started getting the red touch again.

“Oh! Act my age by having SEX Liam? Because that’s what you did at this age Liam!” I shouted out with.

It was a low blow, it hurt him, I could tell. Gasps went around the room, mouths hung open. Liam’s jaw was had the edge in it, his eyes grew darker and darker; his skin looked cold and stone like from here.

 “You’re just, just, a,” He stuttered out with trying to find the right words, but then finished it with, “You’re just a fucking immature brat who is too childish to own up to her actions!”

The words went straight through my blood stream coating them with the sick, dirty feeling words.

“Liam!” Louis shouted out, but he just kept on going with the rant that priced my skin with the hurting words.

“No! Don’t defend her Louis! We gave her a life! We fed her on a silver platter with everything! We shouldn’t have to put up with this crap! She is taking away our girlfriends! Louis when was your last date night with Eleanor?”

“A week ago,” He mumbled.

My eyes weren’t seeing red anymore; they were seeing everything with a slight blur to them. I couldn’t make out who was who, except when they spoke.

Exactly, mine with Danielle was two weeks ago! Zayn I would warn yourself she already seems awfully close with Perrie!”

 Liam’s seethed, his voice dripping with venom; I was now in the fatal position, tears running down my face. I couldn’t believe I was hearing this; I didn’t want them be burdened with me.

“Liam stop, please!”

Niall said being the first one to break, and then hugged me from the side; I automatically curled into his warm, inviting, chest.  He started whispering comforting words into my ear, and then Zayn grabbed my song book.

Then the page flipping stopped, they were reading the song. The song I wrote about them. I tried to make my voice form the words for them to stop, but just wouldn’t cooperate with me.

“What’s this?!”

Harry dropped the song on the bed, flipped open to the page. I saw my jerky writing, the uneven letter heights. Niall quickly placed me back my bed, I was still in the position that he left me in.

“You wrote this about us?” His Irish said voice cracking, I couldn’t let them see my weakness, and after all I was worth less than a girlfriend.

I nodded lost for words, the pain that was welled up in my chest was unbearable, and I thought I would never be like this from escaping my past, but apparently not. The pain kept growing inside me, I felt like it was eating me from the inside out, and that is an experience I never want to feel again.

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