Academy Awards and Secrets *Ch. 19*

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A/N So I HAVE ALREADY POSTED THIS CHAPTER! But it was deleted somehow, so if you babes can get this back up to 1,000 reads and atleast 40 votes and 52 comments I'll update the next chapter for like the story line...... 

The pain of cheating is like a white hot iron going into your heart, head, and everywhere in my body, it was literally making my heart hurt. I curled up into a little ball and began weeping for the billionth time today, the voice mail I had received three hours ago made everything worse. I hadn't showered in two days, nothing seemed to have a purpose anymore, it's not like I could kill myself, and I would let down so many people. I heard a soft knock at my door, I groaned and for once I swung open the door feeling like that if I didn't I would be gulping down pills in the bathroom instead. As my sad, broken green eyes flickered to the face I would never think I would be so... So... Confused? To see him, again standing in my doorway, in the same condition I am. 

*CAMERON'S POV* (Bet you didn't expect THAT!) 

I felt like crap, I didn't even have a motive for life anymore. She was my life, air, sun, food. Now one stupid mistake took it all away from me, the look of hurt, sad, depressed, angered had flashed across her face as I untangled my fingers from the blonde’s hair. I knew at that moment I wouldn't be able to get the love of my life back, she was my Rose forever and ever. I came up with a plan to win her heart back, or at least fix the damage that was done to her beautiful heart. 
I showered for the first time in a couple of days, when I called her phone and it went straight to voicemail... I was crushed, and then it didn't help at all when the same scratchy, whiny, high pitched voice said,

"Babe? Who are you talking too?"

If you could hear hearts break then I'm 99.9% sure I heard Grace's get ran over by a steamroller, then get blown up into fine particles of dust. I hopped out of the warm water, my family wasn't exactly poor. My big brother, who is 19, is already a part time surgeon in one of London's biggest hospitals. Then my parents both music producers, supposedly my dad had claimed 'one of London's next big items' before some stupid intern canceled the meeting. I dried off my brown hair, and then dried my dripping, cold body. Getting changed in white Kelvin Cline's then slipping blue jeans on over with a white V-neck and some necklaces with crosses on them. Grabbing my phone and walking down with a jump in my step, I landed on the floor on the balls of my feet. 

"You're jolly." My brother mumbled as he typed away on his computer, I sat on the chair across from him. I obviously couldn't go to Grace's flat with no plan in mind up against, 18-20 year old lads now could I?

"Do you think it's a good idea if I sorted things out with Grace?" I asked my brother knew everything, the truth, he could obviously sense something was wrong since I came home with tears in my eyes, and on my cheeks.  He looked up at me from behind his computer and studied me for a moment, "Well you screwed up pretty big with you kissing Amber you know," He said after a while, I frowned at the thought of her perfect blond hair never out of place, unlike Grace's bright pink and purple. Her shallow green eyes always hiding emotions, unlike Grace's perfect clear orbs.

"But you should talk to her, if she is hurting as bad as you are," He paused putting on a sad look on his face before continuing, "Then you probably won't get her back."

He finished my heart sank, but I knew it was the truth. I nodded and stepped back up, "Do you need a ride?" He asked sincerely knowing my bind. I shook my head I needed time to think. I pushed open the door once Grace went through, and walked through the brisk November weather. 


After I had dried my tears, my stomach was eating itself almost. I ignored it for a little while longer and walked into the bathroom. My broken expression stared at me; cold, dark red eyes stared back. Hollow cheek bones, pale lips, skin white as perfect untouched snow. Brushing through my tangled hair before stepping into the first shower I've had in three days, feeling the clean water brush away the tears that had dried onto my skin. Grasping the Cinnamon shampoo and watching it flow out of the hole and into my palm looking like a water fall. Scrubbing my greasy, knotted hair then rinsing it out of soap and using my same scent conditioner I felt refreshed. I scrubbed my body with a Vanilla exfoliator and then shaved my hair legs, I felt clean and a little bit like myself again.

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