Fighting, Sleeping, Singing, Fires, Losing Money, and Releasing. *Ch. 30*

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I sighed as I picked myself up off of my bathroom floor, my hip was bruised now. I don’t get why people cry in the shower, I mean it only blinds your vision and the floor is wet and slippery in the shower so that’s asking for a mishap! I sighed and began to towel dry my hair; I scrunched it to keep the curls.

 Getting dressed in my tiny black yoga shorts with a white flap that I usually used for dancing, and a black tank top. Chilled, I pulled on my bright scarlet colored with white accent hoodie, and my bright pink UGG Dakota style slippers. I did a side braid and then tied the end of it, and then my vision started to get blurry again, so I fumbled around my closet for my glasses, and then I pulled them on. My vision went back to normal, smiling at the fact I could see again, DG pawed at my door.

I sighed and opened it; she had a note attached to her collar.

Dear Grace,

Be prepared for losing your phone, guitar, and laptop tomorrow morning at 9. Sharp.

You’re... Over generous brothers.

A frown was placed on my lips as I crumpled the note, I sighed as looked down at DG. She had grown in the past few months, I petted her unruly curls like Haz’s are, No Grace stop thinking about them. My conscious commanded me; I sighed and kissed her forehead.

 I snatched my phone off my dresser, and plugged in my earphones. I selected Beyoncé’s Best Thing I Never Had and blasted it throughout my eardrums. I mouthed the lyrics as I hopped down the stairs not caring how loud I was being, I skipped into the kitchen to the beat of the music.

I opened the fridge and then belted the lyrics out,

“So sad, you're hurt
Boo hoo, oh did you expect me to care?
You don't deserve my tears,
I guess that's why they ain't there.”

I looked on the side door and saw a can of whip cream; I shook it still dancing to the music, and then took the cap off. I turned around and squirted it in my mouth, and then I opened my eyes to find all of One Direction looking like I disturbed their precious beauty sleep.

“I was hungry?” I tried to say, but yet there was Whip Cream in my mouth so I started to cough. I TRIED TO CLOSE MY MOUTH OKAY?! But the whip cream had already sailed and landed on the boy band’s faces. Quickly before they could react, I snapped a photo, took the Whip Cream bottle in my hand and began to move my way out of the kitchen.


Louis screamed in his fatherly and angered voice, but yet I was half way up the stairs.

“Or what Lewis,” I taunted mispronouncing his name on purpose just to get him wound up.

“Grace Tomlinson.” He ordered, but I was already at the top of the stairs, and he was at the bottom staring up at me.

“Louis Tomlinson.” I squeaked back squirting some whip cream on my finger and sucking it off.

“Quit making sexual gestures!” Harry yelled at me with a disturbed face.

“Oh Boo. Hoo, Hoo. Get over it Harold.” I smirked as I didn’t have one ounce of knowledge why I was crying over these lads a few moments ago.

All of their faces were red; I just smirked back at them. Then I did the final push.

“Least I’ll have Danielle, Perrie, and Eleanor to keep me company when I’m on tour, unlike some people.” I said with a feather light voice, as I started to walk away.

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