The Scientist *Chapter 48*

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I felt the car begin to accelerate while we drove down the winding freeway into the open Ireland fields, the road splitting nature down the middle as thick lush green forests lined the sides. The soft swishing sounds of the wind blowing back, with enough force to knock you over, a sign saying that this wouldn’t end well. The soft sounds darkly contrasting with the rumble coming from the cracked and tar covered road, the constant vibrations luring my eyes to sleep, but jolts wakes me up soon enough to remind me of what I was doing.  My thoughts were quiet, but the words were loud bangs echoing in the empty space in my brain. My motions seemed slowed down, like I was in a fog, it seemed as the twenty minuet ride to Niall’s home in Mullingar was taking two days. The air in the car was cold and heavy, thick to breathe in, suffocating your lungs as the heavy hair weighed down the organs.

There wasn’t any music playing, as if it would, it would tangle me into its beats and bass and squeeze me until my head popped off as I know that the next song that came on would surely be by the Boyband. I looked out the window once more, still curled up into a little ball, my head resting against the smooth grey seatbelt propping it up. My hair sticking to my arms making them scratchy, but I didn’t have enough energy to simply move my fingers to brush the hair out of the way. I felt the car push to a stop, the engine still running, and the soft and slow hum in the background.

 I jumped my gaze from Niall’s house to Adam’s face, whose waist was twisted around his arm gripping the back of Jessica’s passenger side seat. His lips moving telling me something, but I couldn’t listen as my ears felt like they were filled with cotton, it felt like my world was going in slow motion, I reached my arm down from hugging my knees to push the red seatbelt ejection button and then my right hand was gripping the car handle to let me outwards. My feet lurched to find the pavement below me, the grey rocky road soon turning into a concrete sidewalk. My knees tried to buckle their way to the ground as I saw a white minivan with the windows blocked out sitting in the driveway.

 Ireland’s infamous weather seem to come by at that moment, the rain pouring down soaking my clothes like a tide wave slashed its self over my head. The loud clap of thunder making my ears ring and my eye vision shake, I felt the flashback of me being stuck up on the roof reappear in my head, but the memory was vacant, it happened over a year ago. I gripped my arms by my sides trying to keep myself from falling apart; it was getting harder and harder to breathe as I felt my lips grow blue. I was reaching his door when a flash of white paper caught my eye, it was a piece of paper stuck in-between the glass door and it was taped onto the metal door that gave you entrance to the house.

I slowly reached the door, stepping up onto the step, and reaching for the cold, ice like handle, I opened up the glass door to reach the handwritten note, my vision blurring but I could still make out the words. They were written shakily, so either a person was nervous in hurry, or crying like I was. The handwriting was Niall’s, so maybe it was talking about how we could meet up somewhere and patch everything over.


I would give you the introduction of the word Dear, or even Hello, but we have so many differences now it wouldn’t feel right. Well neither does writing this letter but this will explain everything that has happened. Let’s go back to the day of the party, none of the lads and I planned it, it was pushed for by Danielle, Eleanor and Perrie. In fact, the lads and I forgot it was your birthday all together. We didn’t think that would lead to a huge explosion though, we just figured that you’d get over it. We didn’t realize how clingy and annoying you’d get after.

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