All I Want is a Nightingale *Part two Chapter 53* FINAL CHAPTER

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  • Dedicated to Everyone who stayed with me!


All I Want by Kodaline lyrics=bold

Nightingale by Demi Lovato lyrics=Italics

Grace- (this entire chapter is based off of the songs All I Want and Nightingale)

Nightingale; in Asian culture representing love and longing, and in literature a connection between love and death.******

“All I want is nothing more”

“I can't sleep tonight”

I was heading back to the hotel; Jacob went back at about 1:30 in the early morning, luckily it wasn’t raining too hard when he called Emmett to come pick him up. But now, when I was driving it was a different story. The smell of the rain smelled like something that you just knew was rain but you couldn’t ever name the certain smells. The rain was a heavy drizzle but it seemed to be picking up, I didn’t mind though, it would just make everything easier.

“To hear you knocking at my door”

“Wide awake and so confused
Everything's in line
But I am bruised”

I sighed resting my head against the headrest of my car seat. The driving conditions were terrible, I couldn’t see two feet in front of me, or the left side of the road closed sign.

“'Cause if I could see your face once more
I could die a happy man I'm sure”

“I need a voice to echo
I need a light to take me home”

I let out sigh, a very tired one in fact. My voice was stretched upon its limits when I recorded Nightingale. To say it was a challenging song was an understatement, but I couldn’t wait to preform it live. I wonder what the boys would think of it, I haven’t spoken to them in forever, except for the press conference but that wasn’t even talking to them. They more like glared at me as I was dripping wet from a few feet down. None of them have even tried to reach out and call me since the power outage. To say that hurt was an understatement, they didn’t call or not to see if I was okay. At this point I just wanted my questions answered.

Was I ever good enough for you?

How come you haven’t tried to call me?

What are we?

Do you even still care about me?

The last question continued to ring in my head, I couldn’t get it out, and it bounced off my mental walls and came back each time with a bigger force. I didn’t know if they still cared about me, they probably didn’t. Yes they looked regretful when I saw them at the conference but if they cared about me that much and felt that bad they would have talked to me, right?

But you can’t pinpoint all of the blame on them Gracemy thoughts shouted back at me. Yes I was also at fault for this but I had tried countless times to get them back. Leaving the tissue on Liam’s lap at the VMA’s wasn’t an accident. It was cheesy but it was my idea of a white flag. I wanted Liam to get up off of his seat and run after me. But he didn’t. When I called Niall I wanted him to say he missed me too, or any of the guys, I knew I was on speaker phone I wasn’t an idiot. When I got drunk at the club and I saw Harry and Gemma I wanted Harry to march up to me and be angry with me because that would be a different emotion then the only one I know from them now.


“When you said your last goodbye
I died a little bit inside”

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