Taking Back What's Yours *Chapter 46*

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“What do you have to say Zayn?” I asked still not letting him into the room. He sighed and peered above my head into the room trying to say silently, let me in. I sighed and stepped out of the way opening up the door further. He quickly looked around the room and his eyes widened.

“Yeah, it’s a bit much, I don’t like it really, and it’s too frilly.” I said disgust clear in my voice and even more on the word frilly. Rubbing the inside of my wrist where my tattoo was, I smiled remembering as I was planning on getting another one. Zayn quickly catching me where I was moving my hand absentmindedly.

“I also wanted to talk, first off the tattoo, you spoke to the lads and I about it briefly but I want to know the real reason behind that ink.” He said reaching for my wrist but I quickly snatched it out of his hand.

“It doesn’t matter, it’s there and I’m not taking it off.” I snapped my voice and eyes hard, not showing a lot of emotion. My thoughts were screaming at me to be kinder to him, to let him actually inside your metal wall blocked heart. But then I remembered, every time I opened up I was always the one to be snapped into pieces.

He sighed and looked like he was debating on getting up and leaving me here.  I smiled weakly and moved my wrist upwards tracing the infinity sign. The words came out of my mouth like a current and my conscience was tangled in it, not able to stop me.

“It says obviously infinite love, but it also means that love is infinite, but it doesn’t have to be strong to be infinite, it can be weak and broken but even if the love is broken, it’s still there, it doesn’t go away. Love doesn’t have to be whole, someone, if love is broken, usually still loves the other, and so love is infinite.” I murmured the deep side of me coming out, it has been making more appearances lately and I wasn’t complaining. I didn’t notice that I was staring down, avoiding Zayn until his finger lifted my chin, but even then I avoided his gaze. I knew it was a judging one by the silence that had wrapped both of us up like a mummy.

“Grace,” he spoke quietly trying to get me to look at him. He nudged my arm and I flickered my eyes to look into his, I didn’t realize how close we were. “I understand, I get it, and I’m proud of you for not getting a meaningless tattoo.” I smiled at his kind words as he took my smaller hands in-between his own two.

“Grace, I know you’re not going to listen to this, but please, please don’t push yourself too hard, it’s not bad to ask for a break from your tour.” He was almost whispering by the end of the sentence, I still let the small smile be on my lips. I wandered into his chest curled up into a little ball while I began just to tell him how everything was going on tour, how if felt when I saw the O2 arena, how it felt when I hear my name on the radios and the television and the words, Sold out in minutes, sold out in hours, one of the biggest popstar sensations to-be. How it felt when I met some of my idols, just how everything was just so surreal.

“Just everything, I’m gaining more fans on a daily basis and I realized this the other day, that I wouldn’t have any of this without you Zayn, without any of the other lads. You saved me, you picked up my dust sized pieces and placed them back together in titanium strength new me, you literally saved my life and I couldn’t ask for anything better.” I said tears slowly trailing down my cheeks and onto my shirt, well one of the lad’s shirts that I had stolen. He was rubbing my back in slow gentle circles, calming me, yet I wasn’t crying of sadness, but happiness that a piece of my oldself was slowly being able to show again.

“Grace?” Zayn’s warm voice asked.

“Yeah?” I answered.

“You know we didn’t adopt you for publicity right?”

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