The New Single, The Ice Skater, and a Born Dancer. *Ch 16*

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I woke up to voices murmuring outside my door. I then heard the door open and five pairs of legs come in, "Hey everybody, its One Direction here. Grace is also here." Liam whispered I pretend to roll over in my sleep causing them to stop breathing for a second.

"Grace here, cried last night because of a hate page."

I heard Niall whisper, then Zayn gently touched my face and showed the camera I bet.

"I mean she looks like this without make up on for Pete sakes!" Harry said gently poking my cheek, I slowly turned over away from Zayn and the camera, "So everybody please tweet Grace today, we love you and never change you're perfect! Peace out little directioners!"

Louis whispered, I heard the door shut and I smiled and went back to dreaming.


The curtains where pulled open exposing the daylight and traveling through my thin eyelids, I flipped around and buried my head in a pillow

"GO AWAY!" I mumbled throwing a pillow in a random direction, "Hey! It's me Cameron so get up!"

Cameron yelled into my ear. I lifted one of my hands up and felt around his face, "Very funny Lou now let me sleep."

I groaned turning over, I heard a sigh then the door open and close.

"Victory!" I grumbled then shifted the grey and striped cover over my head.

It’s time to get up, in the morning.

In the morning.

Got McDonald's breakfast for you.

Just for you.

Or any other brand...

We drove 2 miles just to get it.

So you better get up and eat it.

You don't wanna be a selfish lazy (crazy)


So we gotta get up!

(Get)Time to get up!

It’s time to get up!

it’s time to get uupp.


Its time to get up!

(time to get up)



Its time to get up-

Its time too..


Get up.

Its time.

Doobie doo

waaakee (gett) UPPPP.. Time to get up!

One Direction's voices sang gradually getting louder and louder, until they were practically shouting. I groaned and lifted my head up, "Shut up, I don't want McDonald's!"

I said before blindly throwing another pillow at them, "NOT THE HAIR!"

I heard Zayn yell then someone jumped on my bed landing on my legs. I groaned out in pain at the sudden impact on my knees.

"I need my legs today!" I wheezed out remembering my plans, my eyes opened and I saw Cameron sitting there laughing with the rest of the lads.

"Hey Cameron! It isn't nice to let your girlfriend wither away in pain!" I said then the weight was lifted off of my legs, I smiled and saw that Cameron was holding Zayn upside down by the ankle?

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