Uh, I'm Allergic and Who is He? *Chapter Eight*

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A/N: I'm freaking out right now okay? I'm also almost dead from running... So I probably WILL NOT BE UPDATING THIS WEEKEND! So on Friday, I go to the state fair and gain like 10 pounds, :P on Saturday and Sunday I'm up at my grandparent's lake and there is no Internet there what so ever! On Monday I'll be celebrating with my Family for Labor day, on Tuesday school starts for me, WAH! And for the dress question, I've asked my sister who like knows everything about fashion! THE DRESS IS TOP SECRET FOR NOW! Mwah! Hehe Don't kill me for not telling you... I also picked out a dress for Dani and El!  Okay on with the story! 



 "Liam when we get back can I download some music?" I asked, staring at my phone playing Angry Birds.

"Sure, just don't go overboard on it!" He chuckled, I smiled knowing I probably would.

"What are you smiling so big for?" Louis said, I glanced up at him to see five boys staring at me.

"I um.. Saw a picture of Taylor Lautner shirtless." I lied, but he did have a nice body!

"Why are you looking at pictures of people shirtless??!" Niall said, I smiled confusedly before going back to Angry Birds.

"Grace, we're here." Harry whispered into my ear making me jump and hit him.

"Not in the mood Haz." I truly wasn't my stomach was doing flips, almost making the muffin have a guest appearance in the circus. I locked my phone after putting a pass code on it, I wasn't leaving it to the open with five boys! That was just asking for phone to be messed with... A body guard slid the door open, and I could hear the fans screaming and the paps shouting. Liam stepped out of the car, 

"LIAM AND DANIELLE ARE THE CUTEST!" I heard a fan scream, "HARRY GIVE ME YOUR GRAVY!" I heard like 40 scream when Harry stepped out. I also heard one that stood out from the rest, "HARRY MY GRANDMA IS SINGLE!"

I looked at Niall after we heard that one, he just laughed at my expression probably. I kept getting blinded by the flashes so Niall ended up scooping me up bridal style which only made my situation worse, the flashes kept getting brighter and soon we where in a cold studio. I had gotten a lot more comfortable with the boys, it is a day by day progression, though.

"Hello boys! And a girl I see?" A woman bout middle aged came, she was wearing a black skirt and a white blouse.

"Hi!" They chorused back, I waved slightly. The boys where directed into one room and I was another. I slumped into the couch while the boys where being interviewed, I tuned it out until something went into my ear. 

"So you have been pictured with this girl," A photo of me came up on Niall's back.

"Recently, care to explain who she is?" The accent ran through her voice, she was American and trying to flirt with Harry, awkward much?

"She is One Direction's little sister! She is going to be joining us shortly, and preforming!" Liam said confidence surrounding his voice.

"Well we have to bring her out now!" The lady said, I froze.I was currently watching in the green room, I think its called. A man wearing glasses and some type of ear thing came in and rushed me out before handing me a little microphone thing. Something came out of his earpiece and he practically pushed me out on stage before I had a chance to breath. I put on my 100 watt smile, before taking my first step into fame and hate. I sat on the couch in between Niall and Harry, they both took one of my hands and gave it a reassuring squeeze. I was nervous for the questions I mean what if something from my past came up?

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