Learn to Love, Learn to Forgive, but Learn to Never Forget. *Chapter 43*

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“Boys, I need you in the styling rooms now! Where have you been?!” The blonde burst through the door, the young blonde girl still having the huge earphones on her ears. Her thumb swaddled in her mouth as she was no older than the age of four. My eyes flicked back and forth from my brothers to their stylist. No one said a word except for the almost white haired girl in the front.

“I mean watching Lux was a giant help the other day, but that doesn’t mean you can be late here!”

I felt my jaw drop as I moved between the smug boys and the hairdresser that seemed confused. I felt my heart that was crumbled just fall off the edge off a cliff and into my gut as I knew that I was wrong.

“But… But…” I murmured as I looked at Niall and Louis, I remember him saying, “You didn’t tell her?!”  

“Yeah, she’s our stylist daughter Grace.” I heard Liam explain, I knew more words were tumbling out of his mouth but I didn’t piece it together in my brain. It was just like the song I had sung earlier, it’s getting harder and harder to pretend.

“Excuse me,” I whispered pushing my way through the door but not touching either of the blondes. I was making my way back to the stage where my crowd was stills screaming. I saw Jacob and Adam and the rest of the girls talking to the stage crew, probably asking of my where-about.

 “Grace!” I felt Jacob yell as he ran over to me and cradled me into his chest, but I still remained motionless and expressionless even as the butterflies stabbed at my stomach.

“Let me go, I have to finish my concert.” I said with my monotone voice, I know that I had slipped back into the first month of my concert feeling again. It wasn’t a good thing either. I had spent that month crying over homesickness and only eating soup.

Jessica- (Plot twist (;)

I looked at the couple in front of me, and I knew something was wrong. Grace usually was happy and bubbly with Jacob, the only one that could bring out the happiness in her. But now, I saw that she was backing in her old shell self. I felt myself strike off a match of anger in my veins, the red hot, fiery feeling licking my veins as I marched into where Grace came out from. I was only met with the international boyband, and the little girl and an older lady.

“Excuse me, may I have a word alone with these boys please.” I didn’t state it as a question even as I did ask permission. I noticed how the boys looked at me with questioning in their eyes as their stylist left them alone with me.

“You have no fucking clue how many times you have destroyed that girl, do you?” I chuckled looking at the older boys who probably aren’t going to take me seriously as they were scrolling through their phones. More anger pulsed through my veins feeding it more and more.

“You morons!” I yelled at the five idiotic lads, finally getting their attention.

“Hey, you need to calm down Jessica.” Harry warned his fucking tone almost made me punch the living shit out of him. And how he had to nerve not even to look me in the eye as he said that? As he thought that his phone could give him my response?

I need to calm down? Me? You are too blinded by anything to see what you have done too that poor innocent girl! I know she has done some pretty god awful shit to you guys too, but imagine being in her shoes! She is shipped off to this world tour with only her four best friends accompanying her, which she didn’t even want to go on! Did you know she tried to plead Simon into making it smaller? So she wouldn’t even go to America? Did you? Did you know that we have almost checked her into mental facilities for depression? Of course you didn’t, but even if you did, it’s not like you would do anything because, she’s grown up right?

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