Getting sick sucks *Ch. 13*

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 Chapter 13: Getting Sick Sucks:(

I frowned and just turned around in my seat, a loud horn had just blared out and scared me. I heard Cameron yelling, "YES!!" So I assumed, that the team he liked scored. I looked up at the thing in the middle of the arena with screens on all four sides. Oh crap... The 'Kiss Cam' was on and guess who it was focused on? Cameron and me. I glanced at Cameron and he was blushing. I sighed and gave him a peck on the cheek, and the audience yelled.

"BOO!" Even the announcers joined in. I sighed again and looked back at the boys with a sorry look on my face. I grabbed Cameron's face and gave him a slight peck, no tongue involved. It was weird though, it felt like I was getting shocked when our lips touched.

Hmm, maybe it's just the cold? I pulled away and the audience cheered, then I realized that the camera was still on me, so I pointed up. The boy's faces came on and everybody screamed, I looked up at them and they were all glaring at me. Haha, serves you right suckers! Next time, don't follow me! I made kissy faces at them, and the audience was screaming out ship names. 

"Grace!" Cameron said I whipped my head back to him to see him grinning, I smiled and blushed thinking back to my actions. A whistle brought my attention back to the game, it looked like the Directioners would be disappointed... I heard the horn blow again, was it the end already? I got up on my stiff legs, wobbling slightly as I got up. I cracked my back and faced Cameron. 

"Lets go before we have to deal with my brothers!" I said, nodding my head in their general direction, I grasped his hand and we ran up the stairs joking around. The smell of popcorn and pizza filled up my nose with it delicious aroma. My stomach growled, sounding like a mama bear protecting its cubs. 

"Want some ice cream?" Cameron asked, holding my hand tighter. 

"Sure!" I said smiling because I was thinking of the creamy goodness. We got in line and I rested my head on his shoulder, I was getting tired. I wonder what Brooke is doing...? 

"What would you like?" He asked shaking his shoulder up and down.

"Um, chocolate and vanilla twist with chocolate coating." I answered what Niall would order, it was the first thing that came to my mind, okay?

"And I'll have the same thing." Cameron said bringing out his wallet.

"No let me pay!" I said taking out my credit card the boys gave me.

"No babe, it's a date, my treat!" He laughed, putting my card back into my pocket. I frowned...Until I saw our ice cream. I smiled as wide as the Cheshire Cat (a/n HAZZA!) and grabbed the cone and started licking at the hard shell. I heard Niall whine, something about wanting food? Oh Niall...

"Walk faster!" I said pulling Cam away from the TV screen that was showing recaps of tonight's game. "Okay, okay!" He chuckled as I pulled him through the exit. I waited there while he called up his brother. I started thinking of songs I could sing at the concert, and pulled out my phone and went to music. I started scrolling through, and picked out a few.

"Grace? Let's go!" Cameron asked pulling me from my musical thoughts. 

"Oh yeah, lets!" I said cheerfully, as we stepped back into the Jeep. I snuggled into Cameron's shoulder and I dozed off. 


"Grace, babe, get up."  A voice whispered into my ear.

I groaned and mumbled, "No, shut up Lou." I turned over and I realized I wasn't in my bed, I was in a car, wrapped up in Cameron's arms. "Cameron? Is that you?" I asked, yawning and tilting my head up, he chuckled. 

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