Forgetting Something? *Ch. 26*

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I awoke in my bed, undisturbed. I found this unusual; usually the boys or DG would come in screaming or barking in DG’s case. I carefully stepped out of my warm bed, looking around cautiously. I looked over at my alarm clock, it was 11:04, so why isn’t everybody else up? As I pondered with the question, I looked over at my shut bathroom door.

 I usually left that open, so why was it shut? Then I looked over at my main door, it was open, something always left shut.  Knowing something was up; I looked over at my closet. It was also closed; something always left open a peak. I grabbed my lamp that was on my nightstand, unplugged it and gripped the stand in my hand. I first opened up my bathroom; nothing or no one was in there.

“That’s strange,” I whispered to myself, I looked back over at my closet; it seemed to have opened a crack. My main door that lead out to the hallway suddenly slammed shut, I knew something was going on. I looked around my room to find something better than a lamp, I concluded on my hairspray bottle. Gripping the bottle in my right hand and the lamp in my left, I opened my closet door by switching the bottle to be in my left hand.

 Once I opened the door and saw nothing right away, stepping farther into the room, I placed the bottle in my right hand again. I did a quick scan of the room and found nothing misplaced, I looked around once more. There was a feeling in my gut that something was bad was going to happen, I heard a rustle and I gripped the lamp tighter. I then heard another rustle, but it sounded a whole lot closer.

I spun around hearing as it was behind me; I saw a glimpse of blonde, messy, shiny hair. I smirked and then walked over to where I saw the famous locks. I started creeping forward, before a yellow plastic foam bullet with a blue suction top whizzed by my hair. Another one was shot off, this time landing above my head and sticking to the wall like the other. Then the finally pang was shot and it landed by my other ear, I knew what this meant.

 I had walked in on a Nerf Gun battle before; I was shot at least 40 times by those stupid, foam bullets!   The smirk that was placed on my lips slowly fell; I tried to run over to my closet door. Someone from the outside had slammed the door and twisted it so I couldn’t open it. I banged on it, but then I heard the Irish Man’s laugh behind me. I slowly turned around, and my forehead was a centimeter away from the bullet.

“Now, now let’s not do anything hasty.” I tried to reason with him, my eyes locked on his finger that was about to pull the trigger.

“Grace, I have to do this!”

“No Niall, please!” I said trying to persuade him not to.

“Drop your weapons, wait? Is that Zayn’s hairspray?!”

He lost his track of thought and dropped his gun from my forehead.

Without thinking, or very little thinking, I brought my knee to his family jewels and then ran for my bathroom. I heard him groan and try to hobble towards me, I looked back just as I was about to go into my bathroom. 

“ZAYN! COME QUICK MAN DOWN!” He shouted before finally rolling over, his gun was about two feet from his feet. Quickly I darted and grabbed it; he looked at me with wide eyes and an open mouth.

“Never under estimate me,” I said before darting off into my bathroom.

I quietly shut the door, I found a sleeping Louis in my shower, and a sleeping Harry in my tub! Sneakily I put my shower to the coldest setting and turned it on. Before Louis could make a noise, I did the same to the tub. I grabbed Harold’s gun then shot off into my bedroom. I found Liam on my bed, before he or I could do anything; I was shot in the leg.

 I looked up to see a very wet, Louis lying on the ground.  I pulled the suction cup bullet off my grey boot and then looked back at Louis, and Liam. I ran towards the door and swung it open. I saw Zayn coming out of his bedroom, also holding a Nerf gun.  I shot him in the forehead, and then ran down the stairs. I was at the last step before I heard five shots go off. I looked to my left scared of who was there; I mean everyone else who lived in this flat was upstairs.

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