Henry or Harold? *Chapter 44*

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“Grace, everything alright?” Emmett shouted as I briskly carried myself down the long grey and dark hallway. Having to watch my feet as extension cords ran along the floor like snakes in the jungle. It was around one o’clock in the morning, my fans that were waiting by the ticket check and claim were sent home. My makeup was for sure ruined by the hot tears streaming down my foundation covered everything. By the lack of my response, I knew he knew that nothing was alright at all.

“Grace?!” I heard his frantic shout again. I knew he was worried about me, but even if I tried to talk about the double meaning of my large speech to Zayn, everything would just come rushing up from the past. Not telling anyone about how hard I consumed cracked wasn’t the brightest idea at all. It wasn’t a secret to anyone that I had cracked though, even management knew, but the closet thing I had to family didn’t.


Waking up to hushed voices is something of a normal thing now, except these were deeply engrossed in a conversation that wasn’t about breakfast cereal or how they wanted their eggs.

“She’s broken Anderana!” Emmett spoke softly; from his tone of voice I knew this wasn’t the beginning of this conversation. I was hoping that this was just a conversation between just Anderana.

From where my bunkbed was positioned I couldn’t see who else was there and I couldn’t hear real well as my soft breathing sounded like gunshots as the moment became tense. Slowly, I got up just for Anderana to respond.

“We have around four more months of this dreadful tour, she. Will. Last.”

“No. she won’t, after this next show she is coming home, with me.” There wasn’t just Anderana and Emmett anymore, Louis was there too.

My mouth dropped open as I heard yet another accent joins the party of around-the-world talkers.

“Sorry Louis, no can do, she is going to be doing twice as many interviews, three times as many photoshoots, going to start a modeling career and also will be starting in a few movies, Louis, she won’t have any free time.”

“Simon! She’s turning fifteen in a couple months!  She is just a kid! A child! Hardly a teen!”

Wait, so, Louis, Anderana, Simon, and Emmett having this conversation? Why was everyone here? And more importantly why was I doing all that? Did Simon really wasn’t me for that? It just didn’t add up to anything. Looking around my room, seeing Jessica and Heather still sound asleep, showing it wasn’t any time before nine thirty.

Turning over in my bed and grabbing for my phone, only to find a room temperature, a little bit more on the warm side, unopened water bottle. Sighing but soon shutting my mouth as soon as more words I wasn’t supposed to hear found their way into my eardrum.

“See that is where you are wrong Louis, she has never been just a kid.” Simon spoke, and that just made me think of everything that had happened and into a whirlwind of memories.

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