Whoops. *Chapter 36*

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Heather’s main color choice was black really, except from her muted pink shoes and the little sections of gold on her bracelets. Aside for me, I was wearing more color. A black sleeveless shirt with a white lightning bolt striking through the center, blue denim short shorts with cream lace on the side of the thighs. Black gladiator sandals covering my feet with the straps and a simple gold bracelet that looked like it had circles around my wrist but then they got jumbled together.

“GRACE!” A loud voice broke me from my train of thoughts as I was scrolling through my phone, just waiting on Heather. Adam and Jacob didn’t really want to go, and Jessica had claimed she had a stomach ache.

“Wait what?” I asked dazed looking up to find Heather dressed in her outfit she had shown me before. My hair was still very curly from the concert; Heather’s was just down in her natural wave.

“You’re ready?” She asked me, nodding; I slipped my white phone into the back pocket of my pants.

“Alright because they’re waiting in the car,” She said pointing her thumb over her shoulder. I got up, more like lugged, myself out of the comfy couch in the game room and began walking forward. We didn’t want to take a separate car to take us to the club so we just pulled up to the back entrance.

 We walked out of the door and where greeted with the noise that we could already hear as we stepped out of the tour bus, and then I saw the name of the club. Boulevard3, one of the most by far popular night clubs in the L.A. area.

“How are we even going to get in? This is a 21+ club!” Heather said turning to Anderana and Mark, they simply shrugged. Then I remembered, they we were going to get in the same way I got the tattoo on my wrist.

Without even noticing, I began tracing over the lines of the infinity sign. “So?” Anderana said grinning while she pulled out a mass number of pounds. Heather’s grin widened and in the next few minutes we were in the crowded club.

“Now girls! Stay together!” Anderana warned before walking somewhere, I turned to Heather and grinned. They obviously didn’t know that we probably weren’t going to leave until the peak of the morning sun was raised.


“I’ll have just water,” I screamed over the pulsing crowd at the bartender. He looked me over and then I felt hands on my waist.

“You look a little young to be in this crowd,” A drunken slur whispered into my ear. Disgusted, I shook him off and took the glass from the smirking bartender. I quickly drank the liquid, it didn’t taste like water and a burn was going down my throat as it slid down. Shrugging it off thinking I had inhaled too much of the smoke that shadowed the colorful dance floor. I had already lost Heather, but I think she was in the VIP section. I began walking towards the dance floor, but I felt like I was stumbling, that I didn’t have control over my body. Grinning I let the unknown substance flow over my blood stream and began dancing in the swarm of people.


“Heather! Babyy!” I called to her as my vision showed four of her.

“Whoa, there is so many!” I giggled trying to reach out for her, her face scrunched up reminding me of a cat who tasted something foul.

“Haha! You look like a kitty!” I shouted as I wrapped my arm around her shoulder leaning onto her.

“Grace, you’re drunk,” Heather whisper shouted into my ear as we were in the VIP section of the club resting on the white couches.

“What? Noooo, I only had water!” I giggled as I poked her nose. My vision started to become even more blurry as I heard Heather calling for Mike and Anderana.

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