Hearts Break Faster Than They Can Mend *Chapter 39*

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As soon as the half true words left my boss’s mouth that seemed pretty proud of the damn mess he just made which was going to cause even more tension between the six of us. Quickly pushing my brown eyed gaze over to the girl I was once able to make breakfast in bed for, the girl I was supposed to raise right before she slipped away.

Her face like the Mona Lisa painting, not that she wasn’t showing emotion but when the lads and I were over in Rome I read that they had recently scanned the painting to find over 140 thin layers of oil paint.   It seemed like she was wearing 140 layers of emotion and each one masking the other more and more.

Everyone seemed to be in their own thoughts, but Harry was the one who broke us all free from them. His fist slamming down on the hard mahogany wood table, rattling the ice water pitcher in the middle, words left his mouth at an alarming speed but the only ones that I could even pass as coherent were very minimal.

“We did not! We care for her even more than I care for my life even if we might not show it!”

But the thing was Harry didn’t know that we were talking to the man that could easily ruin all six of our successful careers.   That very man smirked at us; a form of words so twisted my nose grew meters at them.

“Oh, but you did, Louis? Do you not remember that phone call we had awhile back?”

Louis who was sitting there twiddling his thumbs, something he did when he was trying to remember something. Then his face paled and his words came out stuttered, uneasy, and unsupported and like an earthquake were going through them at the same time.

“Uh, um, no?”

Simon’s smile just seemed to grow and grow, and then Paul took a little remote looking thing out of his dark jean pocket. He slid it across the table and into Simon’s clammy palm. Shifting uncomfortable in my seat, a heavy weight seemed to be plummeting deeper and deeper from my throat to my stomach. Simon pressed the red button out of the blue, yellow, and red choices. When the words of Simon came out a little fuzzy like a walki-talkie they shocked us all.

“Louis, you have to participate it would bring the popularity up for the band.”

“Okay, fine, we’ll go in a couple of minutes.”

Simon then pressed the yellow button and it seemed to turn off. He turned to Grace as the same time I did, I was going to deny it, but Simon had beat me to saying anything, leaving my mouth to be dried out by the A.C.

“See Grace? They had no interest in adopting a kid before I called them.”

My heart broke as I watched emotions flicker like a dull light bulb on Grace’s face. She was biting her lip, her eyes read and shiny showing she was fighting back fat, salty, clear tears.

“I was just a charity case full of pity to you?” Her voice hoarse from hitting the high notes in her last song that we weren’t even sure if Zayn could hit. She was now looking at the floor, staring at her painting toes.

“No!” Niall’s voice spoke, he had been quiet all day, something unusual for my Irish Man, but it was like he knew that something bad was going to happen all day. He was antsy and shaken up, he couldn’t sit still, it was like a child that pranked his parents and he was waiting to see what would happen next.

Her bottom lip trembled as she looked up back at us, a tear leaked out of the corner of her eye, staying put halfway down her cheek. It was mocking us, showing us that the tears and pained we caused her weren’t fast and over quick. They stayed there until she moved.

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