White Horse, When You're Gone, Wake Up Call and Oh. My. God. *Ch. 20*

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As the words escaped my pink, plump lips, a roll of gasps when around the limo. The butterflies went into my stomach, no not soft, non-dangerous, butterflies, wasps they were stinging over and over again. I felt Zayn's hands rub my unclothed shoulders forcing me to relax, and then a dim, murky, blurry memory faded into my head. 

I was laying on the hospital gurney as the police arrested my Father, his bloody hands in handcuffs restricting his hands that almost killed me. I can't quiet remember what he was saying but then his clear as ice words flooded into my head before he was shoved into the police cruiser.


 Then with the amounts of blood that was pooling out of my raw shoulder, the trauma, drama caused me to black out on the gurney. 

"It can't be," I whispered clicking all of the pieces together, 'No silly Grace he is in jail!' My thoughts comforted me. I put my dazzling smile back on reassuring the people who made my life. Opening up my clutch and grabbing my phone, checking the time seeing it was 7:00 we were supposed to be there now. 

"Uh, Liam we're late..." I murmured as I put the expensive device back, looking out the tinted windows as Liam asked the driver how much longer it would take. In the skyline I saw the lights of an award show, "Not much longer," I heard the driver say.

"Can you turn on the radio?" Little Irish Niall asked, as bored as I was.

 "One Direction's adopted sibling abused? Tune in later for the deets! Coming up next-" The radio was switched quickly, turning to another station. 

"Grace Tomlinson admits to being abused over an interview with J-14? What do you think? It’s a publicity stunt for the becoming star? Here let’s take a call from one of our listeners, 


The DJ asked I held up a finger saying that I wanted to listen knowing I would probably end up hurt more than anything. 

"Hello I think it is a publicity stunt, first dating this Cameron guy then breaking up with him all around the same time she came out with this abuse story!" 

The girl on the phone said, I was taken back how could they think a person could make that up?! 

"I see, do you believe it or not? Tweet our page with your opinions!" 

The radio host said before blasting 'Everybody Talks.' I groaned and my breath let out into a sigh, rubbing my forehead with confusion. Resting my elbows on my knees, and my hands still on my forehead. I was confused beyond belief, the radio was off and the eerie silent tension in the car didn't help the thoughts

. My phone kept going off from the tweets that people were tagging me in, as soon as the constant vibrating got annoying I unlocked the shaking phone and turned it onto silent. I felt arms wrap around my torso, the silky fabric sliding from the movement. I dropped my hands from my face; I was surprised I wasn't crying yet. My pale pink nails, grasping my fabric around my calves trying not to scream out with confusion. 

"Grace, it’s okay we are here," Zayn's Bradford accent warmed my insides; I nodded and lifted my head grabbing the clutch.

"Are we going out first?" I asked Zayn, he nodded and linked arms with me. The limo door was pulled open and we stepped out, slinging the silver chain that connected to my clutch over my shoulder and smiling like I didn't have a problem in the world at the paparazzi. We walked down the red carpet area before stopping and posing for the paps. Yet again the questions mainly aimed at me, I only smiled and waved ignoring the constant shouts. 

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