Maybe You Shouldn't Come Back? *Chapter 38*

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“I love you so much,” I whispered to Jacob as we walked out of the world famous park, us wearing matching Mickey and Minney mouse ears on top of our heads. I was turned into his toned chest, my body underneath his arm; it was about three o’clock in the afternoon, the warm sun shining on our faces brightening them up, Aviator sunglasses shielding my bright green eyes from the dangerous UV rays.

I could feel Jacob smile as we walked aimlessly heading towards the parking lot searching for our Jeep. I already knew that my first car I was going to buy myself was going to be a bright red four door Jeep Wrangler.

I broke away from him to open the passenger side door that was the opposite from the UK side; it was still a weird feeling. Jacob was legal enough to drive being sixteen, leaning over the leather exterior of the car I placed a kiss on his check, we hadn’t yet been caught by the paparazzi, a miracle sent from the Heavens. He smiled wildly sending me a sexy yet cute smile that made your heart flutter. He looked at his iPhone for a few seconds before locking the sleek item and putting it in one of the two cup holders behind the gearshift.

“Where are we going?” My curious side got the best of me, it reminded of me when I was coming back from the hospital riding with Brooke before I got surprised by the lads. Before everything went wrong, simply smiling at the great memory I opened the window down.

He turned on the radio as we speed down the open freeway, my hair blowing behind me while I started laughing. Throwing my hands up in the air not caring about the pressure that hurt on the exposed skin, the carefree sounds emitting from his and my mouth like it was the speech that changed a nation. Proud and unafraid.


“That was nice,” I giggled leaning onto Jacob, peering up to receive a quick peck on the lips. He hummed in agreement as our lips met once more. It was longer, quickly shutting the tour bus door to stop the annoying bugs from flying in. Lips moved in sync as we blindly climbed the three stairs to get onto the main level.

Stumbling our way back into the couches cushions, the soft material enclosing our bums as we fought to get closer, his lips pushing against mine like it would be the last thing we would do. My hands found a way around his neck before latching together finger intertwined with another. My back was slowly laid its way down and then that’s when the door opened.

“C’mon guys, at least move to somewhere other than the room you guys walk into!” Adam’s gruff voice sounded through our motions and actions, blushing deeper than scarlet I hid my face in Jacob’s neck. 

“Fuck off man,” Jacob answered back, his voice thick and rough, pulled into my boyfriend’s lap we cuddled. We stayed like this in silence for a few minutes and I was on the brink of sleep, I think even Jacob was humming a lullaby to coax me into sleep.

I hadn’t really been sleeping well the past few days, it was no particular reason why, it’s just I feel like there was something that I was always missing out on, from the looks from Emmett and the sudden found sympathy he gave me. Like I was late by a couple minutes to a skating show, and with the club and elite team I’m on, usually he’s pissed if we don’t leave the tour bus by the time he wanted us too.

Then like God read my thoughts, my phone blared out to Emmett’s specific ringtone. It was Australia’s national anthem, a chuckle sent vibrations through my ear muffling the noise from my eardrums. I reached into my jean short pocket, the material scratching me, not quiet worn yet.

“Helloooo?” I asked dragging out the ‘o’ to almost be annoying as I got higher and higher until the deep voice cut me off.

“Grace, we need another song in three hours, and then you’ll have a meeting with Simon and One Direction.” That was all that came though the phone’s speaker before the universal beep came through. I looked over at Jacob who was now saddened, like he wanted to keep me all to himself for the rest of today. Then Emmett’s words really did register in my mind, I had a meeting with my brothers, and I had to have a song by seven. Tonight.

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