Coming Home, New Girls, New Boy, and a Stupid Boot. *Ch. 23*

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I opened my mouth but they beat me to it, tears were glistening in their eyes as they looked me over. I tried to sit up but a pain shuddered through my back, gasping at the sudden pain I fell back down.

"Grace..." They whispered then the image of the little baby Louis was playing with, probably thinking that they could just have a fresh start and leave me fending for myself in the orphaning. I couldn't just tell them what if it never happened? I would look crazy wouldn't I?

Tears started to well in my eyes thinking about how their lives could go on without any conflict if they dropped me. They walked closer to me in the gloomy room, the telly suddenly flicked on and it was E! News, 

“Last week the One Direction family had another hard hitting story. Thirteen years old, Grace saved they boys from her abusive fathers, as the band put it, "She wanted us to live, to go on with our lives; little did she know we can't without her." Then last night the band put on a slide show filled with memories of her, it was evident they weren't their happy usual selves, then Brooke Harry's three month girlfriend sang at the concert. Directioners were dressed in purple, the girl’s favorite color waving signs around that had mostly, “Our prayers are with you,” The young show host said, she turned to her coworker who was dotting his eyes with a tissue. “I went to the concert, it was so overwhelming, and they care so much about her.” He said, and then they switched to the new topic of Justin Bieber throwing up on stage.

That answered my question of them having a concert, but then the beautiful baby boy came up again in my mind. Was he real? Certainly he wasn't, right? 

"How long was I out?" I whispered looking at the five lads through my eyelashes trying to ignore the stabbing pain in my ribs. "A week," Liam whispered out, I nodded then a burning pain slowly traveled down my neck, biting on my lip so I didn't scream out in pain. They came out muffled though, I looked around for that red button to bring in the nurses, once I spotted it I slammed my hand down and a minute later doctors came rushing in and nurses shooing the boys out.

"Where is it Grace?" A doctor scanning my body trying to see if bones were sticking out of my body, "My neck," I breathed out then it kept getting stronger and bigger as if I wasn't supposed to be alive. I was flipped over then a shot was placed in my neck and a cooling sensation happened, I breathed out in relief. Then I was flipped back over and then the four British and one Irish lad came running in, they crowded around my bed and then the door opened again. "Brooke?" My weak little voice came out with; she appeared at the foot of my bed with no baby in sight. 

"Yes babygirl?" she said rubbing my leg, "I missed you." 

"We thought we had lost you." Niall's voice came out croaky; I looked over at him and smiled a toothy grin. "Well... Nialler, you see I was never gone and I will never be." The happiness in my voice came out, then the doctor I assumed that preformed my surgery came into the room. "Can I gooo?" I whined out I never liked hospitals, never have, never will, they smell of cleaning supplies and death... 

"You can leave now; just let us speak with your guardian." He said reading off of the clipboard he had, Louis walked out with him then Simon walked in.

"Simon? What is going on?" Liam asked confused on why he was here, "We need Grace as soon as she is healed to be back in the studio and then after she is done recording she has to skate then go to dance practice. I also need to talk to her about something."  He commanded then shooed them out once again. 

"Grace," He started out with, he then sat down in the waiting chair Zayn was in.

"We had to push back the tour, and that means that we had to reschedule the first month of shows. We need you to heal fast and not do anything that could harm yourself; it also means that you will be recording on the road. Understand?"

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