Bittersweet Freedom. *Chapter 41*

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My phone ringing woke me up, groaning, I turned over in my comfortable bed and reach my hand out of the warm covers and into the freezing, shocking air as it nipped my skin like a baby kitten. A grunt escaped from my throat as my fingers came in contact with the smooth plastic of my phone case. The phone’s brightness turned up too high as it made me squint. The lock screen photo of Jacob and I covered up by someone calling me, looking up and across the carrier name I saw it was 7:04 A.M. Not even bothering to see who was calling me, I tapped the green, Accept option.

“Hello?” I groaned, it probably came off as an animal noise but at this moment I didn’t care, I never woke up this early unless it was for an interview or a photo-shoot.

“Did I wake you? Huh, you usually woke up at this time in the past.” The voice that I never thought I would hear in a million years was right in front of me. My mouth dropped open as my torso flew upwards, but then yet again there was a ceiling right above me.

“Shit! Oh I mean shoot! I said shoot!”

A loud laugh rang through my speaker and into my ear, it wasn’t what it sounded like in real life, but pretty close, just a bit muffled.

“Sure you did, but I have a reason why I called.”


Third Person.

… As the two talked for the next hour and a half, their voices yelling until one another hushed them. Grace couldn’t believe what she missed out on, and he couldn’t believe how much he missed with her life.  Right now she was in a conversation with him about how she had fallen into the dessert table when she was playing around backstage and ended up having to go onstage with frosting in her hair.

“Are you serious?! He laughed, and slowly the young girl crept out of the warm bed and into the chilling air. She walked through the kitchen and into the sitting area. They didn’t necessarily solve their problem that they had in front of them. They ignored it in complete and utter bliss, they missed these conversations.  

“You said there was a reason why you called?” She asked, turning her head around to make sure she hadn’t woken up anyone else. The bus wheels started to move again at a faster pace as she was now driving down a twisty road with dead trees and sandy shrubs and dried dirt ground. Only the occasional patch of green grass by a hotel, palm trees that had dead leaves splitting up the middle before at the very top a dollop of green sat swaying in the wind.

“Yes, there was, Grace,  this isn’t it but it’s also important, we’re going on the North America part of the tour, it’s going to last six months, and then we start the rest of the world tour, Grace, it's going to be another five months on top of that.”

“But… My tour doesn’t end for another six months?”

Both of their voices were panicked as they realized what was happening. There was a month gap, and by then they didn’t know if they would have been patched up with everything or not.

“Maybe you’ll come on tour once you’re done with yours?”

“No, Niall, I couldn’t barge into the tour like that, the rest of the band hates me anyway, and I’m surprised you’re still talking to me.” Her voice and words finally hinted at the large problem in front of their eyes. Grace’s eyes brimming with tears, as the young man’s voice was shaking as he was having this conversation with four other boys in the room.

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