"I'm Sorry We Did All We Could." *Ch. 22*

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Niall's POV:

As doctors were running in and out of Grace's room- some covered in blood- others carrying machines. I was sitting across from the door in a hard plastic waiting chair, Liam was next to me his hand tapping against the plastic, the drum beat to Moments, Zayn pulling at his hair elbows on his knees, Harry and Louis frozen just staring at the door with the dead, hazed and glazed over eyes. As a doctor ran into the room we heard the frantic scramble of them trying to preserve her blood. We heard them talking about her blood loss and how it would take three more blood bags to get it back to normal. Yet they only had one more.

I can't believe I'm losing my baby girl. 

Louis POV:

Liam was tapping out the beat to our Moments and it wasn't helping with the mood.  I was staring out the door, catching glimpse of Grace's bloody, cut open body. The room was silent for a moment, and then a doctor burst in. His clothes had Grace's blood covering it making it look red not blue; his plastic covered hands moved the piece of fabric away from his mouth and nose. The next words crushed every single one of us.

"I'm sorry we have done everything we possibly could have. She had lost so much blood when she started the surgery that it would be a miracle for her to survive this. Would you want to know the injuries?" 

His sorrow filled voice informed us, I broke down and started crying but my sobs were silent. "Yes." Liam's emotional voice responded the doctor nodded before pulling out a clipboard. 

"Her appendix had busted open, a major stomach muscle was shot also, tissues in her right bicep were completely torn, and in her left shoulder there was a hole about the size of a quarter so we had to replace that, her hamstrings have a clean tear in them, and her cheek should heal nicely with the stitches. Her head has a slight concussion and three of her ribs are broken."

 He said before flipping the piece of paper back down, the room was silent except for Grace's small heartbeats that were being monitored. Paul walked in and saw the seen before him,

“LOUIS! HARRY! NIALL! LIAM! ZAYN! What happened?” He asked looking at Niall’s forehead, “Where is Grace?” He asked the mention of her name brought us all to tears as Zayn shakily pointed to the door. He quickly walked off with the doctor seeing that we couldn’t even manage to speak a few words. I saw Liam’s iPad on the waiting table sitting on top of the magazine that had Grace’s smiling face plastered on it. I logged into twitter and started up a Twitcam.

“Hey fans,” I started out glumly, the rest of the boys crowded around me waving a slight hello to our supporters. Millions of tweets came in asking about our long faces, “We have some news to tell you, gather your tissues.” Harry started out with, voice cracking. Another blow up came in asking if the band was going to break up, others thought that too but they were blaming it on our fragile Grace.

“We are in a hospital, Grace is currently undergoing surgery to remove five bullets from her body, and fix three broken ribs, a concussion, and get a replacement shoulder.” Niall said before crying, Liam took him out to the side and began comforting him.

“Grace may have saved our lives by asking for… Them to kill her not us,” Zayn said tearing up, the tweets suddenly stopped. They were listening to every word that we said. “So a lot of you know that Grace was abused, well her “fathers” came and bandnapped us. We were then abused, mentally, physically and emotionally. Yet Grace still got the worse, she saved us. We ask you directioners, and anyone out there to please pray for our Grace. We don’t know what we would do without her, love you lots One Direction.”

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