BOO! It's Halloween! *Ch. 18*

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I shivered at the text and the gust of wind that came from around the corner; I quickly locked it then shoved it into the pocket. I hugged my shivering body and swung the car door open missing my face by a couple inches.

I stepped up into the warm car and placed my butt on the warm leather. I buckled myself in not having any contact with the boys in the front of the huge car, my phone vibrated in my pocket. Leaning over the seat belt holder and unzipping the pocket that held the Apple product, I reached in and grasped the mobile device. Opening the message and reading it grinning after. 

"Hey, Simon says we are holding a Halloween party tonight!" I said grinning at the thought, the two boys cheered in the front seat.

"TO THE HALLOWEEN STORE!" I said pointing in a random direction; Niall moved my hand to the East and snickered.  

"NOW TO THE HALLOWEEN STORE!" I yelled then plopped myself back in my seat. Texting Cameron an invite to the party, and then looking at Harry who was driving.

"Is Brooke going to come?" I asked using a really sweet and innocent voice. He grinned and shook his head, his curls that were recently cut shaking with his head movement. 

I grinned and felt my dimples coming in, we stopped and looking out the window seeing a Halloween warehouse. Jumping out of the car and onto the snowy ground making a mini blizzard with the fluffy white crystals, I started walking to the front door. Harry and Niall following an excited me, I pushed the doors open and the smell of Halloween greeted me. 

I quickly walked over to the costumes and began looking; I saw a lot of older costumes if you know what I mean. I settled on The Little Red Riding Hood, and picked out a set of fake eyelashes to go with it. I walked over to were most of the noise was coming from in this huge store and found Niall and Harry giggling over some sort of mask.

"Should I even bother?" I questioned setting the costume in a basket that was filled with decor. My phone buzzed in my pocket and I pulled it out, seeing it was from Cam I opened it and smiled as reading it over. 

"Oooh! Nialler are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

I heard Harry say as I was typing back what I was being. If you didn't see my outfit and see what I was talking about, it sounded hookerish! I gasped as a hand took my phone from my grasp, as the read it over Niall rushed over and grabbed the costume from the basket.

"Oh. See Harry! She isn't trying to seduce him!" 

Niall's Irish voice dripping with sarcasm, but I still gasped and took both of the items back from Harry's large hands. I set them back in the cart and dragged them to the cashier whose face lighted up when she saw us. 

"A-re you One Di-rect-ion?"

Her voice shook with excitement as she started piling the things onto the check out. They both grinned and nodded; she stuck out a piece a paper too star struck to speak. They singed the paper and hugged her over the cashier machine, her wide smile dropped when she saw me. Her eyes flashed with hatred and she angrily slammed the fake fog machine into the brown paper bag. She started muttering incomprehensible words that I was pretty sure were aimed at me.

I took out my phone and started texting Brooke, Hey babe! What are you going to surprise Harry with this Halloween? Xx- Grace. 

As soon as I sent it I heard a chuckle coming from behind me, I turned around and saw Cam. Running over to him and embracing him in a bear hug, giggling as he spun me.

"What are you doing here?!" I asked excitedly, then kissing his soft cheek.

"Just getting my costume babe," He replied with then kissing the top of my head and whispering into my ear,

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