Nice Place You Got There! *Chapter Three*

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A/N: So 48 Reads in like 3 DAYS! WHOOT WHOOT! :P So I wrote this in a notebook and I'm transferring it on here, so yup.. Who watched PLL last night?! I KNOW I DID! Okay on with the story...




"When do you think she'll wake up?"

The voice sounded near and very much Irish. Huh... Oh yeah I got adopted by One Direction.

 "Did you see how she reacted when I just touched her?"

 A deep, husky, British voice asked. I felt awake like this wasn't a dream at all, but I wanted to hear their responses.

 "Harry, she looked at Brooke like she was her sister or something, then she has to leave her, and gets picked up by a stranger! OF COURSE SHE IS GOING TO ACT THAT WAY!"

A different voice said, he sounded like the parent in the group.

"Hey what’s that on her arm?"

 The Irish voice asked again, crap. CODE RED! I REPEAT CODE RED! I had to move now; I started shifting like I was going to wake up soon. Before they could touch me, I opened my eyes slowly to see a pair of bright, ice blue ones. Like an inch above my face.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I screamed then scurried to the corner of the limo. Jeesh what was wrong with him? I waited until my heartbeat slowed down, and then looking outside leaving the boys to their own conversation. Turning my head, I saw the park I'd always run to...After I got beat by Jack. The memories kept rolling in, one after another. Full force, impact, and pain. I felt a warmness drip down my cheek, I wiped it away expecting to see blood, but it was a tear.

"Grace?" A voice came into my brain, freeing me from my thoughts,

"Hmmm?' I said, turning to the sound of the voice.

"You were staring out the window for five minutes, and then you started crying." The boy with shining emerald eyes and curly hair stated. Oh snap my thoughts got the best of me... Again.

"Sorry... If I ever zone out like that just please, do anything to snap me out of it. No matter what... I never did catch your names." As I said the last part the boys where amused. 

"I thought you knew those!" The boy with the red pants said, I smirked at them. Least they knew not all teenagers weren't a fan.

"You’re not a fan?" The boy with tan skin, and a quiff like hair asked. I froze did I really say that out loud?

"Um... Yeah?" I said, as more of a question than I intended. The back of my head started aching from being in a braid; after all I slept in it. I pulled it out and I shook my hair out of it, and now I was going to have an Afro from being naturally super curly and wavy from the braid.

"So your names?" I asked again, breaking the boys from their conversation on football (soccer).  


 The blond boy who scared me said,

"Louis your dad!"

My eyes widen, HE was my DAD?! I just nodded trying to shake the memories from coming into my head.



 He bellowed,


I just smiled and we pulled into a driveway.

 "We are going shopping, later for you."

 Louis stated, I groaned in response, I didn't want to shop I just wanted to sleep!

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